The first Cortex AI DApp — The Master of Digital Clash

Oscar W
Cortex Labs
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2018

TL;DR — The Master of Digital Clash is the first AI DApp inferring open-source AI model on chain. Quick link to the game:

On October 23, 2018, we discovered an AI smart contract posted on Cortex TestNet (Block 176716). Since then, the developers have contacted us and worked with Cortex team to fix bugs, optimize and enhanced the performance of the platform, development environment, and dev tools. At the same time, this AI smart contract has been tested, optimized and iterated several times by the developers. The final version of the contract has been released on Cortex TestNet on December 18, 2018 (Block 376543).

Block 176716
Block 376543

The Master of Digital Clash

Today, we are proud to share the first Cortex AI DappThe Master of Digital Clash, a pixel game utilizing AI inference, to our beloving community. To play the game, please download Cortex Wallet extension (download here) for Chrome browser and request test coins from the Cortex block explorer using your Cortex Wallet address ( Alternatively, you can mine ( on Cortex TestNet to receive test coins.

Link to The Master of Digital Clash:

The Master of Digital Clash is simple and easy to understand. You buy in Keys using Cortex test coins, then you can either pick Team Red which represents 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or Team Blue which represents 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. After you pick the team, you can begin to draw on the canvas. Initially, 1 pixel costs 1 CTXC, and the price goes up as more users draw on the same pixel. The game ends when the highest priced pixel reaches 3,000 CTXC or the total Pixels Drawn reaches 8,000. For more information about the game, please refer to Help on the game page.

The interface of The Master of Digital Clash

The game uses the open-source MNIST model for digit recognition on Cortex blockchain. Each time a game participant modifies the pixels on the canvas and initiates a transaction, the AI smart contract infers the AI model to identify the pixel on the canvas and tells you the current result (digit).

All parties in the Cortex Ecosystem perform their duties and are self-regulated at the code level. For each transaction, the AI model provider gets paid by CTXC every time the model is called. The DApp developer gets a share based on how they write their smart contracts (In the case of The Master of Digital Clash, the developers set 2% of the tokens goes to them). New transactions are constantly being processed by miners into new blocks which are added to the chain. The entire game and AI model run on the blockchain ensures open-sourced and transparency.

Help us make Cortex Ecosystem better

Since the Cortex TestNet went live, it has received a lot of attention from the developer community. The Cortex development team has been actively communicating with developers from all over the world to collect feedback to continuously improve development environment and development tools, enabling developers to build their tech infrastructures and applications on top of Cortex Ecosystem.

Developers who want to use AI and blockchain altogether pay attention to:
1) On-chain AI model inference
2) Remix AI smart contract development tool
3) Benefits of Cortex’s AI on Blockchain Ecosystem

We have only scratched the surface of the possible AI DApps on Cortex’s AI on Blockchain Ecosystem. There are many more types of businesses and developers that we believe would benefit from AI DApps implementations. Rather than building all these applications ourselves, we are opening up and giving developers the opportunity to build them and create their own innovative use cases using Cortex blockchain.

We sincerely welcome more developers and businesses (including AI model developers and DApp developers) to participate in the Cortex Ecosystem to create more meaningful and imaginative AI DApps to rock the world.

About Cortex

Cortex is the first ever blockchain technology that allows the execution of AI algorithms on the blockchain. Cortex provides an AI platform and stack for developers to upload their models on the blockchain that can be integrated with the smart contract. TestNet for mining and AI smart contract is out, Click here to learn more!


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