Go to Corti
An AI-powered foundation for all patient calls; reducing workload, removing mistakes, and streamlining services for healthcare.
Note from the editor


Go to the profile of Corti
Go to the profile of Andreas Cleve
Andreas Cleve
CEO at Corti.ai.
Go to the profile of Henrik Cullen
Henrik Cullen
Head of Product at Corti
Go to the profile of Corti News
Go to the profile of Lars Maaløe
Lars Maaløe
Co-Founder and CTO of Corti | PhD in Machine Learning
Go to the profile of Jakob Havtorn
Jakob Havtorn
Machine learning at Corti.ai
Go to the profile of Henrik Cullen
Henrik Cullen
Head of Product at Corti
Go to the profile of Lasse Borgholt
Lasse Borgholt
Machine Learning Researcher @ Corti
Go to the profile of Jan Kremer
Jan Kremer
Machine Learning @ Corti
Go to the profile of Lars Maaløe
Go to the profile of Corti News
Go to the profile of Sebastian Slej