European Startup Corti Receives Webby Award Nominations

Danish AI healthtech startup, Corti, has been nominated by the prestigious International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences for excellence in health, alongside American Red Cross.

3 min readMay 5, 2020


Corti has been nominated for a Webby Award in Apps, Mobile, and Voice — General Voice in Health, Fitness and Lifestyle

We here at Corti are humbled to stand alongside some truly impressive innovators as nominees for this year’s ‘Excellence in Voice Health’ Webby and People’s Choice Awards.

2020 has been an important year for Corti. Between being honored with the Future Unicorn Award in Europe award by Digital Europe, and building a solution to assist healthcare professionals in combating the Covid-19 pandemic, we see a promising path forward for AI to make meaningful advances in the healthcare industry. We are proud to have that work recognized, and understand the responsibility which comes with that recognition.

Becoming a nominee and potential recipient of a Webby Award means being considered in the top 10% of the many thousands of entrants which the Academy has reviewed. This alone is a true honor when you consider the raw talent of the dedicated people working in our industry, all around the world.

Corti’s nomination comes from how we utilize audio from patient interviews to guide healthcare professionals in asking the right questions, reaching the proper conclusions and saving lives. This means everything to us, and we want to sincerely thank the Academy for the nomination.

What does this nomination mean to companies like ours?

Established in 1996, the Webby Awards honor internet excellence in a variety of categories. In each category, five nominees are selected, and two are awarded: one selected by The International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences and one selected by public voting. The awards have been called “the internet’s highest honor” by The New York Times.

The mere fact that Corti, a small startup from Copenhagen, Denmark, has been nominated for such a well-known award, represents the changing way in which innovation is viewed in healthcare. Not to mention, the impact that a small startup can have in a highly-competitive environment.

At the heart of Corti is our mission to minimize misdiagnosis through innovative, digital solutions to realize a world where doctors can more quickly, easily and accurately identify key symptoms. We aim to have the latest advances in medical science instantly applied to medical practice and dramatically reduce misdiagnoses.

Any recognition of that work means a lot to us, and we are therefore very honored to simply have been considered by the Academy for our work, and what it could mean for the future of healthcare.

What would winning the Webby People’s Choice Award mean for us at Corti?

Since our foundation in 2016, we have believed and continuously shown that artificial intelligence in healthcare can enable medical professionals to be more accurate and faster. This belief has delivered us some measure of growth and success, but we have so much more to do.

Our early successes include the pre-hospital sector in Copenhagen, Denmark, which has allowed us to develop our machine learning model to be capable of detecting out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, in real-time, with great accuracy. That fundamental progress has allowed us to enter additional healthcare verticals, reach more healthcare professionals and further research on how we can detect even more critical illnesses.

From those early successes, we have been fortunate enough to expand our mission to help medical professionals save lives throughout Scandinavia and in France, Italy, UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand.

To win the People’s Choice Award with the help of people throughout the industry and the world is, to us, everything that it means to be an innovator in this space. We believe our place in the health sector starts and finishes with improving the lives of individuals.

While we have only begun to create an impact through helping the brave men and women on the frontlines of healthcare address critical issues, we have much further to go and many more places we want to help.

A vote from an individual in support of that goal is one step closer to creating a positive impact on the individual health of as many people as we can reach all around the world.

Voting is open until Thursday, May 7. To cast your vote for Corti, visit:

