Discover Your Inner Lion

The REAL Story of an Entrepreneur

Cory Boatright
Cory Boatright Mindhacks
2 min readOct 18, 2013


Let me ask you a question…
It’s about risk, reward and determination.

You already know some people are adverse to risk.

You know the type right?

They have to know every single detail about ever iota of information before they “pull-the-trigger” on anything in their life.

I used to think these people need to change because they are holding themselves back from greatness…

… not anymore

Now I appreciate these people because they make incredible employees.

… but Entrepreneurs are a rare breed

They are UN-employable
They are risk-SEEKERS
They are determined to fail UNTIL they succeed

They see the world differently… looking thru a set of glasses that few would even DARE to put on.

VERY FEW have what it takes to be an Entrepreneur.

You have to become an animal and find your inner lion.

You have to RE-LEARN what you THINK you know about the way the world works.

You have to take each second-minute-hour-day as a grateful opportunity to help change the world and push humanity forward with the ideas that **GOD let you borrow.

*yeah those aren’t YOUR ideas. God entrusted you with them.

Entrepreneurship is a road that many have traveled and gave up because it was… “to tough of a go” for them to make it.

It’s a daily grind until you finally…

… FINALLY see a glimmer…

… a freaking speck of light at the end of the tunnel that gives you just enough hope to carry on and push forward on your mission.

It’s lonely as hell

It’s incredibly painful (physically, spiritually and emotionally)

It will be the hardest thing you’ll ever do in your life. Period.

… but when you finally accomplish your milestones and come out on the other side…

… bruised

… broken

… shattered

You wouldn’t trade your journey for anything.

That’s the life of an ENTREPRENEUR.

Be a lifelong student
Be a positive role model
Be resilient in your determination

Use your gifts and talents to change the world …

… but above all

Remember… be a servant,

Cory Boatright



Cory Boatright
Cory Boatright Mindhacks

Cory Boatright has bought and sold over 75 million in Realestate 1000 closed transactions. He coaches students all over the world.