Entrepreneur or Artisan?

Accepting the Artisan Inside of You

Cory Boatright
Cory Boatright Mindhacks
3 min readSep 14, 2013


I’m inspired and want to share the enthusiasm, metaphoric views and entrepreneurial poetry with you.

I believe Entrepreneurs need a completely different answer and category for the age old question — “what do you do?”

More on that in a sec….

I watched a video over the weekend about a 10 year old autistic boy named Jacob Barnett. Jacob argued that even though he was autistic and most people thought he couldn’t learn anything, he was actually bored of learning so he started creating and thinking more.

Watch the video of Jacob talk at TedxTeen to understand this concept more.


Jacob really got me thinking.

I’m going to speak at Harvard this year and I was thinking about what I was going to talk about.

How was I going to make the bridge of me actually dropping out of high school at age 16 and merely getting a GED, to speaking in front of 300 people at one of the most elite, Ivy league educational hubs in the world?

I came up with many ideas, but Jacob’s talk inspired me the most.

In essence, it’s a differentiation of something you can’t simply learn from inside a classroom or from a text book even at the most prestigious of colleges.

Here is what I decided… but first a quick backstory.

I spent a full year with Eben Pagan observing how he was able to run a 25 million dollar a year business Online with 80 virtual employees.

He called what he did “knowledge working”. That is a pretty different view on how we view ourselves as entrepreneurs, but I think we are even a bigger classification.

And after much hyper-thinking on this topic. I believe God provided the answer.

As entrepreneurs, we need to stop thinking of ourselves as workers. We are not “workers” at all.

On the contrary, many of us wear our t-shirts that proudly proclaim we are “UN-employable”.

We don’t think the same way…

We don’t act the same…

And we sure as hell don’t “work” the same way as people that are not entrepreneurial.Right?

… So does that make us “above” others?

Certainly not.

In fact, the counter intuitive is a healthy entrepreneur is the one that is …. “the greatest servant of them all”.

… So what are we then?

We are Artisans that craft.

We are crafters Not workers.

The next time someone asks “what do you do or where you work?” …. Smile back them and say….

“I don’t work. I craft for a living. You create solutions for challenges to serve people that work”

Definition of crafting

Pronunciation: /ˈkrɑːftɪŋ/

The traditional terms craftsman and craftswoman are nowadays often replaced by artisan and rarely by craftsperson (craftspeople).

In English, to describe something as a craftis to describe it as lying somewhere between an art (which relies on talent and technique) and a science (which relies on knowledge). In this sense, the English wordcraft is roughly equivalent to the ancient Greek term techne. Folk art follows craft traditions, in contrast to fine art or “high art”.

[mass noun]

the activity or hobby of making things decorative by hand:

crafting has emerged as a fashionable form of self-expression

1. Skill in doing or making something, as in the arts; proficiency.

2. An occupation or trade requiring skilled artistry

3. The membership of such an occupation or trade; guild.

4. To make or construct (something) in a manner suggesting great care or ingenuity

Screw ever working again!

It’s time you start crafting and accepting the Artisan that lives inside of you.

Remember… be a servant,

Cory Boatright
The Real Estate Servant
About Cory Boatright
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Cory Boatright
Cory Boatright Mindhacks

Cory Boatright has bought and sold over 75 million in Realestate 1000 closed transactions. He coaches students all over the world. http://CoryBoatright.com