Refreshed, Rebranded, Relaunched in Midnight Green!

Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2022


Corzent reached the pivotal milestone of being one year stronger and celebrated with the relaunch of a brand-new look and concept. We emerged from just another young startup to a full-fledged mature company that differentiates by putting people first.

Taking a brand to a new position is an involved process and invariably requires a rebrand to signal a change in direction, focus, attitude or strategy to its target market.

As Corzent evolved, we wanted to reposition who we are and what we stand for in the market. This started with changes to our organization’s goals, brand essence and corporate identity.

Technology is constantly evolving and the rate of change is often exponential. Rebranding or revitalization became an outward expression of our evolution. At Corzent we aim to drive change. In keeping with our vision “To build a better world with technology”. Our mission is to help organizations build and scale digital products. We are better able to achieve this by addressing the needs of our various stakeholders.

Going back to the origins of our design. We embraced the connections we already had with our stakeholders. The C represents our company “Corzent”. We adopted the letter “O” for our customers. The letters “CO” together forms the “infinity” symbol. It’s a reflection of the long-term partnerships forged together to build strong relationships, an aid to build great digital products. The letter “O” also symbolizes our biggest asset, our employees who are another important stakeholder, with whom we want to engage and together build a community where they can thrive together.

Brand Origin

The infinite symbol that makes up our logo also embodies what the company stands for. We strongly believe in Continuous Improvements on a daily basis, and agility in our decisions, in moving forward and in our mindset. Finally symbolizing “Growth” which represents the stage of our company.

Brand Origin

Not all elements of a brand are physical. They’re emotional. To drive meaningful connections with our brand, we wanted a logo that appealed to the emotions of our audience. Emotions drive purchasing decisions, build deeper relationships, lead to brand loyalty and foster unique communities.

The symbol “CO” denotes our core values which are Commitment, Courage, Collaboration, Competence, Community and Compassion. Corzent’s new identity bridges our relationships with our stakeholders personifies our values and ethos and signifies the concept of limitlessness and eternity.

Our colour palette complements the significance of the infinite symbol. Doing away with the conventional blue that’s usually associated with technology, Corzent has embraced a midnight green and sea serpent turquoise. It’s the symbol of prosperity, freshness, and progress. The colour of life, calm under pressure simplifying product engineering.

Brand Representation
Brand Representation

