This is a shout-out (because we’re stronger together)

Despite the fact that Content strategy is an evolving discipline, there are quite a few great experts out there. Some a better known than others, so here’s my shoutout to some of those I’ve met in Graz. They all are shaping and sharpening my views and knowledge on Content strategy — so make sure to check them out!

Matic Molicnik
Content Strategy meets Psychology
3 min readMar 4, 2019


Let me start by saying that I am not mentioning all the great people I’ve met during my time in Graz at Master’s in Content strategy for 1 simple reason: my posts are written in English and for the convenience, I am only mentioning (some of) those who also publish their work in English. See, most of the posts are written in German. And they are great! So if you speak German, do not hesitate to ask for more ;-)

Sarolta Hershey’s take on New Business

If you’ve read my other posts you must have noticed that I am all about people and content strategy. Also, this publication is called Content Strategy meets Psychology. So it is only logical to include my colleague's post regarding defining your offer and your customers, called: STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS STEP 1: DEFINE YOUR OFFER & YOUR CUSTOMERS. Sarolta is all about small, or as she calls it: tiny businesses. Since this first post on the topic, she has posted 2 more on Starting your own business, so make sure not to miss them either!

Mariana Miljkovic’s Talk Content podcast

I must say I’m fascinated by what Mariana does. Partly because she manages to do it consistently and partly because she manages to keep each and every podcast interesting as ever. She does most of the podcast in German because most of the skilled professionals she talks to come from Germany and Austria. But fear not, there’s something interesting for everyone who doesn’t speak German but understands English. Head to Talk Content and enjoy the industry insights — in audio.

Katrin Burgstaller on Selling a Brand Message Strategy

One for the fellow content strategists. Because a good expert doesn’t make a good salesman. Fear not, Katrin is here to help. As a very keen communicator, she recognized we all could use some help, maybe even a script on how to sell what we do good. So without further ado, head to her How to sell a brand message strategy and start focusing on what matters to you the most — the content. That is if you ARE an expert in the field.

Stephanie Bauer on Increasing Productivity and Staying in Focus

Knowing stuff is not enough — we need to execute. And this can be difficult sometimes, because of all the distractions around us. With procrastination only a click away at every given moment, Stephanie offers some great and practical advice on Increasing productivity and staying focused, based on her experience.



Matic Molicnik
Content Strategy meets Psychology

#Psychology and #CX with focus on #ContentStrategy and #BusinessEducation. | #cos17 | #Freelance