Complete guide to MySQL (Part 1)

G Satvika Reddy
6 min readMay 20, 2021


Welcome to a series on MySQL! In this part of our series, we’ll be going over Data Definition Language and something that’s often overlooked, but important nonetheless — data types. But before we jump into the details lets understand what MySQL is!

  • MySQL is a relational database management system based on the Structured Query Language, which is the popular language for accessing and managing the records in the database.
  • MySQL is open-source and free software under the GNU license.
  • It is supported by Oracle Company.
  • It follows the working of Client-Server Architecture.
Client-Server Architecture

What is Database?

  • It is an application that stores the organised collection of records.
  • It allows us to organise data into tables, rows, columns, and indexes to find the relevant information very quickly.
  • Examples : MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Serve

What can be done using MySQL?

  • It allows us to implement database operations on tables, rows, columns, and indexes.
  • It defines the database relationship in the form of tables (collection of rows and columns), also known as relations.
  • It provides the Referential Integrity between rows or columns of various tables.
  • It allows us to update the table indexes automatically.
  • It uses many SQL queries and combines useful information from multiple tables for the end-users.

Fun Fact : “MySQL is named after the daughter of co-founder Michael Widenius whose name is “My”.”

Features of MySQL:

  • Easy to use
  • It’s secure
  • Client-Server Architecture
  • Free to download
  • It is scalable
  • Speed
  • High flexibility
  • Compatible on any operating system
  • Allows rollback
  • Memory efficiency
  • High performance
  • High productivity
  • GUI support

But there are few disadvantages too!

  • MySQL version less than 5.0 doesn’t support ROLE, COMMIT, and stored procedure.
  • It does not support a very large database size as efficiently.
  • It doesn’t handle transactions very efficiently, and it is prone to data corruption.
  • It is accused that it doesn’t have a good developing and debugging tool compared to paid databases.
  • It doesn’t support SQL check constraints.

Download MySQL from

Now lets talk about the various Data Types that are accepted in MySQL

Data Types:

  • It specifies a particular type of data.
  • It also identifies the possible values for that type, the operations that can be performed on that type, and the way the values of that type are stored.

Numeric data type:


— signed (-128 to 127)

— unsigned (0 to 255)

— Takes 1 byte for storage


— signed (-32768 to 32767)

— unsigned (0 to 65537)

— Takes 2 bytes of storage


— signed (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807)

— unsigned (0 to 18446744073709551615)

— Takes 8 bytes of storage


— It is a floating-point number that cannot be unsigned.

— Takes 2 bytes for storage


— It is a double-precision floating-point number

— Cannot be unsigned

— Takes 8 bytes for storage


— An unpacked floating-point number that cannot be unsigned.

— In unpacked decimals, each decimal corresponds to one byte.

  • BIT

— Used for storing bit values into the table column.

— Range of 1 to 64

  • BOOL

— Used only for the true and false condition.

— It considers numeric value 1 as true and 0 as false.


— Same as bool

Date and time data type

  • YEAR[(2|4)] :

— Year value as 2 digits or 4 digits.

— The default is 4 digits.

— It takes 1 byte for storage.

  • DATE:

— Displayed as ‘yyyy-mm-dd’.

— It takes 3 bytes for storage

  • TIME:

— Displayed as ‘HH:MM:SS’.

— It takes 3 bytes plus fractional seconds for storage.


— Displayed as ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’.

— It takes 5 bytes plus fractional seconds for storage.


— Displayed as ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’.

— It takes 4 bytes plus fractional seconds for storage.

String data type:

It is used to hold plain text and binary data

  • CHAR(size):

— Size is the number of characters to store.

— Maximum size = 255 characters

— Fixed-length strings.

  • VARCHAR(size):

— Variable-length string

— size is the number of characters to store.

— Maximum size = 255 characters

  • TEXT(size):

— Maximum size of 65,535 characters.

  • MEDIUMTEXT(size):

— Maximum size of 16,777,215 characters

  • LONGTEXT(size):

— Maximum size of 4GB or 4,294,967,295 characters

  • BINARY(size):

— Size is the number of binary characters to store.

— Fixed length strings

— Maximum upto 255 characters

  • VARBINARY(size):

— Variable length string

— Maximum upto 255 characters

  • ENUM:

— It is short for enumeration, which means that each column may have one of the specified possible values.

— It uses numeric indexes (1, 2, 3…) to represent string values.

— takes 1 or 2 bytes

— maximum of 65,535 values.

  • SET:

— It can hold zero or more, or any number of string values.

— They must be chosen from a predefined list of values specified during table creation.

— Takes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8 bytes that depends on the number of set members.

— It can store a maximum of 64 members.


It deals with database schemas and descriptions of how the data should reside in the database.

  1. CREATE:
  • To create a database and its objects like (table, index, views, store procedure, function, and triggers)

Query Syntax:


col_1 datatype,

col_2 datatype,






Table Created


  • The ALTER statement is always used with “ADD”, “DROP” and “MODIFY” commands according to the situation

ADD a column in the table

Query Syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name

ADD new_column_name column_definition

[ FIRST | AFTER column_name ];



Table Altered

  • MODIFY column in the table

Query Syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name

MODIFY column_name column_definition

[ FIRST | AFTER column_name ];



Table Altered

  • DROP column in table

Query Syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name

DROP COLUMN column_name;



Table Altered

  • RENAME table

Query Syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name

RENAME TO new_table_name;



Table Altered


Remove all records from a table, including all spaces allocated for the records are removed

Query Syntax:


  • We first insert values into the table to check this query:

Query for inserting values:


  • Now let’s check the data in the table:


  • Truncating the table:



Table Truncated

  • Let’s check the data in the table again


No Data Found

Here the data in the table is lost but not the table itself.

Summing up , we had a brief look at the concept of MySQL , the data types and the DDL queries . I hope this blog was worth reading and helpful in gaining knowledge about MySQL.

Stay connected to learn more !

Written By - Varsha Gajula



G Satvika Reddy
Writer for

Student at Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad