Cosmic Champs Lore

Chapter 1: Cybi and Rose Roobota

Cosmic Champs
Published in
13 min readMay 20, 2022


To celebrate the 8 different types of Champs being launched in Singularity Era of the NFT Genesis, each week we will be sharing a chapter of the story behind our game Cosmic Champs. Read it here, or in the #lore channel of our Discord!

The lore behind Cosmic Champs

Thousands of years into the future, humanity has traveled across the cosmos. When we first venture from the solar system, we bring along our rudimentary technology, machines, AI and Earth-based species from the natural world. In the millenia since then, collectively we have transformed, encountering and adapting to countless intergalactic conditions and cultures in an ever-expanding sphere or intercosmic travels.

In the future world of Cosmic Champs, the artificial constructs of animal, vegetable, or mineral are obsolete. There are machines with souls, higher-dimensional entities that manipulate experience beyond time and space, beings of light and energy, and animals that have evolved consciousness that dwarfs the mere monkey-minds of historic humans.

Each broad cosmic culture across the megaverse is represented by the guild, depending on their identification — Heavy Industry, Rust Bucket Strappers, Intergalactic Federation, Dark Side, Misfits and Mercs, Hyper Neon, Warp Zealots, Rust Bucket Scrappers, Desert Brutes, Water World, Jungle Wilde, Cosmic Magic, Glory Heros, Mad Science and Galactic Saviors.

The different guilds constitute the Galactic Federation — an alliance shaped a few thousand years before the present time of our Cosmic Champs heros, with the purpose of ensuring peace across the megaverse.

As far back as records go, the intercosmic realm has been a uniformly peaceful plane, mostly due to the efforts of the Galactic Federation and its guilds, in ensuring the fair spread of resources and authority across the guild civilisations. In the world of Cosmic Champs, interactions and transactions are effortless, trustless and efficient — there are few intermediaries other than in guild dealings with the Galactic Federation, and each being is self-sovereign within its respective guild.

And yet, as advanced as the combined Galactic Federation civilization is, there are beings yet that manipulate even more advanced forms of energy and power — dark matter. In an instant, the Cosmic Champs megaverse collapses into space dust, and everything and everyone our Champs once knew is gone.

From a megaverse of boundless thriving planets, only the beings that are left on the peace-keeping, transport and merchant ships of the Galactic Federation remain, lost in an empty universe and desperately seeking the precious resources of the rare planets that made it through the destruction.

Here, we meet our Champs — Cybi and Rose Roobota, Ranger Coyote Ray, Gunslinger Triggerman, Invin the Tangerine Technoid, Hammer Droid, Heliotron, Tertius III and Salamander Blithe. Trapped on a federation ship together for an elite training program they must transform their skills and their identities to ensure that they and their fellows survive.

We are here at a new beginning. This is Singularity Era 1.

Cosmic Champs NFT concept art (not the NFTs)

Chapter 1 — Cybi and Rose Roobota

Cybi fired up Rose Roobota, her custom exoskeleton mech. She still felt pride for her and Rose winning the exclusive spot in the elite young warrior program on behalf of her home planet. Only one person per planet was chosen after a grueling series of battles where she and her peers had to prove their skills and strategy in the battle arena.

“Let’s go!” pipped Cybi, and Rose ambled onto the loading bay of the transport ship. In only a little while, she and Rose would be on the cruise ship of the galactic federation training camp with other elite youth and mentors.

She’d already said goodbye to her parents and family. She scrunched her nose remembering how annoying her brother, Zeth, had been. He reminded her that he too had been chosen as an elite fighter only a few years before, and it had been his one-to-one training with her that had made her able to win.

But it had been his stories of the fun and adventures and friendships he made that had been the true motivation for why she wanted to be where she was now. She knew in her heart it had been her own effort, and the incredible Rose, that had got her to where she was now — and she knew that her brother Zeth knew that too. Zeth had still helped, though!

Cybi had never been in space before. It was thrilling being up close with all the wonders of the universe. As a special guest of honor, she spent the transit time in the cockpit with the captain and crew, as they explained what they saw in front of them and what they had to do to make the complicated jumps through space to meet the galactic federation cruise ship.

When they arrived at the cruise ship port, she saw many other transport ships of all varieties and kinds waiting to dock. She could barely stop herself from sticking her face on the window to get a better look. Soon it was their turn, and Cybi said goodbye to space as she and Rose Roobota were ambling through the cruise ship’s loading bay before she knew it. She didn’t even have time to feel lost — already there was a guide beside her, taking her through the corridors of the ship and showing her where to dock Rose until she’d need her for training sessions.

There were beings here from every kind of solar system and space region she’d ever heard of — and some that she had never even heard of, too. “So many new friends to make!” she thought to herself. That had been the favorite part for Zeth, too — meeting new friends from every far corner of the galactic federation, so that no matter where you went and what you did in future you’d always have a friend to make it feel like home!

All the adventure was making her hungry! In the food hall she piled her plate with all kinds of foods of all textures and colors she’d never seen before that smelled so good — where was she going to sit? A golden disc flipping in the air caught her eye. It looked like two beings were arguing over a seat. That was exactly where she was going to go!

“Excuse me!” She said pushing through the middle of them as a disc arced above her head. “I think that seat’s taken — by me!” The gold disc stopped in mid-air, hovering, whilst a guy in blue stared at her, leaning on his sword. “And who are you?”

“Cybi”, she said, as she scoffed a delicious green ball into her mouth. “This is so good, you should take a seat and try one too.”

The two beings looked at each other, and the one flipping the disc scoffed. “Do you know her?” he said to the one in yellow. “Give me a break,” she replied and pulled the seat out next to her. “Hi, I’m Coyote Ray, a ranger in training,” he said.

“A ranger?” said Cybi. “Wow, that’s cool. Have you been here long?”

“I actually live on this ship for now. I’m part of a family who’s an ambassador to the galactic federation, so I am here as an apprentice. But I’m taking part in the elite program, too.”

The guy with the golden discs grabbed the one that was hovering, shoved it into a pocket on his jacket, and stormed off. Cybi squinted after him, chewing. What was his problem? “Don’t worry about him, that’s Gunslinger Triggerman. You’ll see him again soon,” said Coyote, like she was reading her mind.

After a whirlwind of orientation and meeting the other students, it was good to be sitting back in Rose Roobota again, her hand on the triggers. Everything inside Rose was custom made for Cybi — she felt like an extension of her own body. Being a mech, Rose did have her own personality and consciousness, and was able to respond independently according to the situation — but since she was designed as an exoskeleton she was designed to match her partner, Cybi, and not as fully autonomous, and Cybi could overrider her anytime.

Coming up now was the first active training session and Cybi was so excited. She knew Rose was excited too — her lights kept flashing different colors! She and the other mech were meeting in the battle arena for an experiential class in tactics and strategy. She was going to get there as fast as she could and be the first up!

Cybi went through the standard checks and wheeled Rose out into the corridor, only to get stuck behind a giant loping Aquadroid. Oh no! The corridor was so narrow, and the droid so wide and cumbersome that everytime he swung his arm she risked getting Rose made into a dint in the corridor wall. The Aquadroid turned sideways so that it could see her. “Excuse me, are you trying to get past?”

“No,” said Cybi. “I’m trying to get to the battle arena.”

“Wonderful!” he boomed. “I’m Hammer Droid Blue Roobsu. We are going there too! Let’s go together.”

Cybi looked through the clear glass dome into the eyes of the squid like droid in control. She took a deep breath that was almost a sigh and shifted Rose down into slow mode. She was here after all not just to fight but to make friends. Making friends took time. She was now going to have some, it seemed.

“We won’t be late though, will we?” she asked. “I mean, you can’t go any faster?”

“I always get there at the perfect time,” said Hammer Droid. She talked to Hammer Droid. It turned out he was from the Heavy Industry guild, and he was all one Aquadroid, although the part of him under the dome could disconnect if it wanted to. By the time they did get there, their peers were already lining up into battle pairs. “See, perfect timing!” he said. “Looks like you and I will battle each other!”

Cybi sized up the Hammer Droid’s weaponry. Between them, they looked pretty well matched. Rose had a mega splash barrel in the middle, as well as her saboteur arms designed to mangle an opponent at close range. Hammer Droid had splash attack guns on each arm, and his bulk would easily topple to an opponent. Based on her conversation with Hammer Droid in the corridor, she knew that they were both high in hitpoints, and had a melee attack type, with multi hit. Their attack speed and movement speed was both low, but their attack damage was high. But the advantage seemed to be on Hammer Droid’s side — his moveable arms meant he had more flexibility of aim, whereas Rose had to turn her body to shoot, and her attack range was less. Cybi sized up Hammer Droid and decided she would have to be quick on her feet — if that was even possible!

Cybi and Rose Roobota concept art (not the NFTs)

After the safety checks, and explaining the drill, the mentor looked at them. “Since you two were last, you can battle first,” said the mentor.

Did she think that would intimidate them! No way! Cybi was thrilled to show off her drip. It was a shame that their weaponry would be in drill mode and not battling for real — but not blowing up the space ship was probably a good thing. Or killing a new friend for that matter.

The countdown started and Cybi waited anxiously for the green light. How was she going to play this? Was she going to push forward, try and get as close as possible for maximum hit? If she had one thing going for her it was forward movement! Hammer Droid could aim however he liked, so it didn’t matter if she tried to evade his attack — brute force was going to be her best bet here. Whereas the front of Rose’s barrel was her weaponry, Hammer Droid had a whole body that was vulnerable to hits.

Hammer Droid pointed both his arms in front of him, so that the lasers aimed directly at Cybi. The light turned green, and both started shooting as they moved forward. One foot in front of the other, their lasers flashed with mock lights to mimic a real attack.

If she could blast out Hammer Droid’s legs, or his lower torso, she would have the win. He would just topple over. He could keep shooting at her, but he would be down. Now that they’d come into optimum range of each other, Hammer Droid did something she least expected. He turned sideways, the eye in his dome swivelling in its socket. and aimed his lasers at her from his shoulder. Now, her big barrels had less to get a target on. One at a time, he aimed his lasers down, as if to take our Rose’s mechanical feet. “That’s a hit!” called the mentor, raising his hands in the air, and the green light flashed to blue. In real life, if it was a real battle, Rose would have rolled over onto her side, and probably kept rolling, but as it was, Cybi just sat there gawping at Hammer Droid from the comfort of her seat.

“Good fight, partner!” said Hammer Droid.

Cybi swung out of Rose. “I don’t think this is fair!”

“We’re all here to learn,” said the mentor. “You must learn strategy.”

Cybi felt a roar of frustration rising in her throat. Strategy! What was she to do with Rose? Roll her around on the ground under her opponent’s feet? Before she could utter anything, a Tangerine Technoid trotted into the arena and up to the mentor. “Invin, what is it? You know you shouldn’t be here right now.”

“Please, there’s an urgent meeting. You are needed immediately.”



The mentor glanced down for a moment, thinking, then waved their hand. “Alright, class dismissed.”

Cybi made sure not to get stuck behind the aquadroid this time and raced back to dock Rose as quickly as she could. What was the meeting about? Why was it so urgent that their mentor had to attend? And who was Invin? Had someone gotten hurt? Or expelled?

She snuck her way up towards headquarters. It wasn’t strictly out of bounds, but she couldn’t say she had a reason to be there, either. The doors to the conference rooms were shut, and there was no way to make it through the security doors, but maybe if she hung out somewhere close by she’d hear someone talking about what happened on the way out. She spied a corridor just beyond the entry alcove where she could stay concealed.

She kept her attention focussed on checking no one was behind her as she slipped past the door and round the corner. “Oof,” someone said, as her shoulder slid into them. “Ah!” she cried, before the being’s hand went over her mouth. “Shoosh! You’ll let them know we are here.”

The hand belonged to Gunslinger. “You again. What was your name? Cybi? Don’t you have a better place to be?”

“Something interesting is happening here. I like to be where interesting things happen.”

Gunslinger snorted. “Yeah, whatever,” he said, and flipped a disc into the air.

They heard pairs of feet clattering up the hall and hushed voices muttering. “Surely, that’s not possible? I can’t believe it.”

“I can’t believe it either. So many souls gone from this plane!”

Cybi frowned. What was going on? Was something wrong with a plane? Gunslinger caught the disc in mid-air and held on, his hand raised, thinking.

The rooms were all fairly soundproof on the cruise ship, but a few moments later a round of gasps made it through the walls. And then someone even howled. Cybi caught her breath. Something was terribly wrong. The mentors were all practised at being equanimous and not showing emotion, whether they were training young warriors or negotiating intergalactic treaties.

“Stay here,” said Gunslinger. “I’m going to try getting closer.”

“No way!” said Cybi. And pushed past him down the hall. Just as she was about to turn the corner, the door to the meeting hall slid open, and a hand grabbed her arm to yank her back.

“We’re the last of our kind,” said a mentor to another in hushed tones. “I just can’t believe we are the last of our kind. Surely there are more of us out there? This can’t be happening. It’s not real. They must still be out there.”

No one seemed to reply. The footsteps just receded down the hall.

Cybi couldn’t hold herself back any longer. She tore down the hall. “What is going on?” she yelped. “Is something wrong?”

The mentor’s face went stony and then softened. They raised their hand as if to touch her cheek. “Yes, there’s been some terrible news. We are still trying to confirm the extent of it. Everyone here is safe. I promise we will tell you as soon as we know more about what’s going on. For now, please go back to the student area. We’ll send someone to talk to you soon.”

Any other time, Cybi wouldn’t let someone fob her off like that. But there was something about the face of the mentor, and the mentors by them, that said they were barely holding their composure together over their confusion. They looked at each other with extreme pain and shock on their faces, and Cybi couldn’t bring herself to keep making a scene.

“Here, let me take you back,” said one mentor clasping her elbow. Cybi looked back over her shoulder for Gunslinger, but couldn’t see him.

About Cosmic Champs

Cosmic Champs is a play to earn, tower rush, real time strategy game developed by gaming studio, Mad Shapes. It aims to remove many of the existing barriers of entry for typical P2E games. This means it’s mobile first and no wallet, tokens, or NFTs are required to play. These innovations position Cosmic Champs to become the benchmark for crypto games in GameFi. The game will be available in Android and iOS app stores late 2022. Cosmic Champs NFTs are the gold standard in 3D game ready NFTs on the Algorand blockchain — a carbon negative blockchain built to be sustainable and secure, and the home to the FIFA+ Collect World Cup 2022 series of digital collectibles. The native governance token Cosmic Gold (COSG) is available on all major Algorand exchanges. Cosmic Champs graduated from the Algorand Foundation and Draper University Blockchain Accelerator Program in 2021 and conducted an over subscribed private sale led by Borderless Capital.

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Cosmic Champs

Cosmic Champs is building the first 3d P2E NFT mobile game on the Algorand blockchain.