Unveiling the Universe’s Secret Symphony: Gravitational Waves from Colliding Supermassive Black Holes

The echoes of ancient black hole collisions can still be felt today, new research suggests. (Image credit: NANOGrav)

In a monumental breakthrough, on June 29, five visionary teams of radio astronomers shook the scientific community with a profound revelation: the cosmos is alive with the celestial melodies of gravitational waves generated by colossal collisions of supermassive black holes.

Drawing on the power of pulsars — stellar remnants that spin with extraordinary speed — teams from North America, Europe, India, China, and Australia embarked on an audacious quest to decode the cosmic symphony of gravitational waves.

With each resounding discovery, a new chapter in our cosmic journey unfolds, as expressed by Michael Keith, an astrophysics lecturer at the University of Manchester’s Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and member of the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA): “The results presented today mark the beginning of a new journey into the Universe to unveil some of its unsolved mysteries.”

First hypothesized by the genius of Albert Einstein in 1916, gravitational waves remained elusive until the landmark detection by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) collaboration in 2015. These ripples in the fabric of space-time traverse the cosmos at the speed of light, leaving their indelible mark on the cosmic tapestry.

Stretching and compressing the very fabric of space, gravitational waves reveal their presence through intricate positional changes between celestial objects. LIGO’s unparalleled engineering prowess allowed the measurement of subatomic variations, detecting gravitational waves emanating from black holes many times more massive than the sun.

However, unraveling the low-frequency rumble of gravitational waves birthed by supermassive black holes, billions of times more massive than our sun, requires a colossal detector surpassing the dimensions of our planet itself.

With each stride in technological innovation, humanity ventures further into the symphony of the cosmos, attuned to the subtle vibrations that shape our understanding of the enigmatic universe. The hunt for gravitational waves from these cosmic behemoths holds the promise of unlocking profound secrets that lie shrouded in the vastness of space.

The Very Large Array in New Mexico was one of several radio telescope facilities that carried out the 15-year gravitational wave search. (Image credit: NRAO)

Gravitational wave detector

In a quest that spans the depths of our galaxy, astronomers have constructed a colossal gravitational wave detector on a cosmic scale. By measuring the minute fluctuations in the distance between Earth and pulsars in the Milky Way, this ingenious creation known as a pulsar timing array has unlocked a gateway to the mysteries of space-time.

Pulsars, the remnants of supernova explosions, emerge as highly magnetised neutron stars spinning rapidly and emitting mesmerising beams of electromagnetic radiation. These cosmic timekeepers, discovered by British astronomer Jocelyn Bell Burnell in 1967, act as celestial metronomes, pulsating with unparalleled regularity.

“We harness the remarkable precision of pulsars as natural clocks,” declares David Champion, a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and member of the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA). “In their rhythmic signals, we seek the subtle distortions of space-time, the gentle stretching and squeezing that betrays the presence of gravitational waves.”

Over the course of 15 years, teams of dedicated radio astronomers have meticulously monitored the pulsations from approximately 100 swiftly rotating pulsars. Yet, capturing the whispers of these distant cosmic sentinels poses an immense challenge. Maura McLaughlin, a professor of physics and astronomy at West Virginia University and part of the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav), reveals the arduous nature of the endeavour: “Pulsars are elusive radio sources, demanding countless hours on the world’s most powerful telescopes for this groundbreaking experiment.”

Rather than singling out individual gravitational waves coursing through our Milky Way, these five teams have embarked on a grander mission. They meticulously study the expansive tapestry of low-frequency gravitational waves that permeate the cosmos, unveiling the symphony of the universe itself. The infinitesimal oscillations in the pulsar-Earth distances, mere fractions of a billionth, necessitate the careful consideration of various sources of noise, from interstellar gas and dust to Earth’s motion and even the subtle displacement of telescopes due to shifting continents.

Finally, after this cosmic odyssey spanning 15 years, the elusive gravitational wave signal emerges from the shadows, bearing the unmistakable imprint of supermassive black holes. “When I witnessed the emergence of the gravitational wave pattern, a surge of excitement coursed through me,” exclaims Stephen Taylor, chair of the NANOGrav collaboration and esteemed professor at Vanderbilt University, reflecting the awe-inspiring nature of this groundbreaking discovery.

The cosmic symphony unfolds, revealing the harmonies and resonances that shape our understanding of the vast cosmic theatre. With each revelation, humanity delves deeper into the enigmatic dance of space and time, unlocking the secrets that have eluded us for millennia.

While not yet meeting the stringent detection criteria set by the scientific community, the astronomers are confident that their findings provide “compelling evidence” of a gravitational wave background, likely originating from colossal black hole pairs. Most galaxies boast a massive black hole at their core, including the renowned Sagittarius A* in our own Milky Way and the recently imaged M87* by the Event Horizon Telescope. These cosmic behemoths possess masses ranging from hundreds of thousands to billions of times that of the sun. As galaxies merge, their gargantuan black holes draw closer to one another, engaging in a slow cosmic waltz that emits sought-after low-frequency gravitational waves.

A sharpened-up image of the black hole M87*, captured at the fullest resolution of the Event Horizon Telescope.

Finally, the existence of numerous immensely massive and closely entwined binary black holes receives robust confirmation. “Once these two black holes approach the range detectable by pulsar timing arrays, their eventual merger becomes inevitable within a few million years,” remarked Luke Kelley, assistant adjunct professor of astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley, and chair of NANOGrav’s astrophysics group.

In addition to galactic collisions, the gravitational wave background could also originate from intense physical processes that unfolded after the Big Bang. As the research teams combine their datasets and persist in their observations, they will delve deeper into the properties of these colossal black hole pairs and perhaps even uncover exotic physics from the early universe.

With the forthcoming amalgamation of their collective data, Stephen Taylor expresses enthusiasm: “Our united efforts will yield a substantially more potent dataset. We are eagerly poised to unveil the hidden secrets our universe holds.”

