Cosmic FOMO
Cosmic FOMO
Published in
10 min readFeb 27, 2024

How to enter a Guild Base

You can enter the base of any guild from the main screen through the Guilds section.

On the GUILD LIST screen, you will see a list of all guilds. Tap on any guild you like to see its information and enter the guild base.

When you tap on a guild, you will be taken directly to the base of that guild, where you can see its name, characteristics, and where you can join the guild and participate in its development.

If you tap on the guild name button, the menu of that guild will open.

Joining a Guild

To join a guild, hit the JOIN button.

If the guild is public, you will be immediately accepted as a member. If the guild is private, it will take a while for the guild to approve your membership.

Read more about Guild features in the CosmicPaper and in this article.

Confirm the action by tapping on JOIN and CONFIRM.

Invulnerable bases

Your own base as well as enemy bases can be invulnerable to attacks.

The bases of low-level guilds, i.e. guilds that do not have any structures yet (Power Plant, Cannon and Shield) will be invulnerable.

An invulnerability shield is displayed above the bases if they meet the defense conditions described above.

Your Base screen features

If you have created a guild, your base will be highlighted on the guild switching screen with a colored frame in the guild name.

Here you will see which structures have already been built or which are available for construction. If the base area is still empty, i.e. no structures have been built, it means that your guild level does not allow you to build them yet.

Raise your guild level and build the most important structures for defense and offense.

On the same screen you can keep track of your guild’s inventory.

Activity Points

Activity Points are a measure of each guild member’s activity. Activity Points determine the distribution of guild resources from the inventory to each member.

You can view your Activity Points by clicking on the ⭐ icon on your guild or on someone else’s guild, regardless of which base you are in.

Players are awarded three Activity Points for successful looting, two Activity Points for damage caused, and one Activity Point for an unsuccessful attack.

In addition, each guild member is awarded a base of two Activity Points per day for guild membership.

Repair Charge

You must maintain the Repair Charge scale level to repair the Body (health) of your guild base.

Tap on the repair wrench icon to go to the charging procedure.

The scale is charged on a similar principle as donating Energy to build or level up buildings. Any guild member can donate Energy to this scale.

Distribute the amount of Energy or tap donate all and confirm by tapping CONFIRM.

Each guild member can maintain the Repair Charge level.


Each guild has a Body scale, which is the health of the guild’s base.

If a guild’s Body drops to 0, the guild’s Inventory will be looted. Maintain the Body level to protect yourself from attacks.

If a guild’s Inventory is looted, the guild’s Body is automatically replenished to its maximum for free.

The Repair Charge scale charge is used to repair the Body level.

To repair the Body level, click on the scale with the heart icon.

Only guild owners can perform Body repairs.

Specify by how many units you want to increase the Body level and tap CONFIRM.

Base Repair Auto

Body repairs can be automated. To do this, click on the Body scale.

Switch to AUTO mode.

Confirm the change of settings by tapping CONFIRM.

The Body scale will change visually, you will see a charge indicator on the heart icon.

Base Repair Manual

You can activate the manual Body repair mode at any time. To do so, tap on the Body scale.

Switch to MANUAL mode and confirm with the CONFIRM button.

Enemy Base

Each base is individual. Enemy bases can have different guild levels, different number of structures built, different levels of structures, different guild defense parameters, and different levels of resources in the guild’s inventory.

Guild Name block

The Guild Name block displays the name and logo of the guild, and allows you to switch to the next and previous guild in the list. Click on the block and see information about this guild, you may find it interesting.


The Base Inventory is a shared resource store that belongs to the guild. Resources (Energy, Gems and Minerals) produced by Power Plants and Factories, as well as resources obtained from attacks on other guilds are automatically added to it.

The base inventory is distributed among the guild members once a day. The more Activity Points a guild member has received in a day, the more resources he can get from the guild inventory at the time of resource distribution.

You can customize the visibility of your inventory on your base and your opponent’s base. Tap on inv to hide or show the inventory.


The HOME button returns you to your guild base.

Attack conditions block

If all attack conditions are met, the Attack button is active (you can attack this guild).

Each guild member may attack other guilds using their personal Energy, but no more than five times per day.

The same guild can be attacked no more than once every two minutes. If one of your guild members has attacked that guild, you can only attack it after two minutes from the last attack.

The timer is active if the attack conditions are not met, which means that the next attack on that particular guild is not yet possible.

Below the ATTACK button there is a block with information about the cost of an attack and the energy available on your personal balance.

Attacks made icon

Attacks made displays how many attacks you have made against this guild in the current day. The maximum number of attacks per day is 5.

For example, the Attacks made level is 3/5. This means that you have already performed 3 attacks and you have 2 attacks left on this guild before the end of the game day.

Attack conditions not met

If the attack conditions are not met, the Attack button will be inactive and you will not be able to attack that guild.

Red indicators will be displayed in front of the blocks of unfulfilled attack conditions. This applies to Attacks Made and You have [n] Energy.

To attack:

  • The scale indicating the number of attacks must be incomplete. That is, less than 5/5 (where the first number is already the perfect number of attacks).
  • The guild must not be invulnerable.
  • Two minutes or more must have passed since the last attack.


It’s time for battle. Choose a guild and attack!

Each guild member can attack any guild. Go ahead and increase your Activity Points and guild resources.

Enter the base of the selected guild, check the attack conditions and tap ATTACK.

Below the button is an information box that tells you how much Energy you will need for the attack and how much you personally have.

Choosing your attack strategy

The higher the Cannon level of the attacking guild, the more bombs you can use in an attack.

Let’s say your guild has a level 3 Cannon, so you have 3 bombs available to attack when choosing a strategy.

The attacker must choose which cells of the battlefield to attack.

When you click on a cell, one of the available bombs is placed on that cell.

You need to place all available bombs, then hit FIRE. The button will become active only after all bombs are placed on the cells.

Attack animation

After you start launching bombs, all the bombs will be distributed to the cells selected by your strategy.

A defending guild will have between 5 and 8 defense cells available depending on the level of their Shield.

When the battle starts, the system will randomly place shield cells on the battlefield.

In the example below, you can see that the defending guild (the enemy) has 5 shield cells.

If the bomb falls into a cell where there were no defenses, the opponent’s Body base suffers 1 damage unit.

If the enemy’s Body drops to 0, you capture a certain amount of that guild’s resources, which are totaled with the resources in your base’s Inventory.

The higher the level of your Cannon, the more resources you can loot at a time. Read more about the Cannon in our CosmicPaper.

Attack results

After the attack is over and the Body of the enemy base has been penetrated, you will receive the Attack — Success message.

This means that the enemy base’s Body is down to 0 and you have looted resources from the enemy base’s Inventory. The resources will then be added to your base’s Inventory.

Causing damage during attacks

When you inflict damage, you see how many damage points have been caused and the Attack — Damage Done message. This means that you have not received any resources but have caused damage to the enemy base.

Battle animation replay

You can watch a replay of the fight in the Replay tab.

Tap ▶ to replay the battle strategy of this attack.

You can navigate to the animation replay and results of a particular battle from the EVENTS menu.

Attacked failed

If you fail to penetrate your opponent’s shields, you receive an Attack — Fail message.

Resource distribution

The base inventory is distributed to guild members at the same time for all guilds at the end of the day.

The distribution of the base inventory depends on each guild member’s attack activity and Activity Points.

If the guild’s inventory is empty at the time of distribution, guild members receive nothing.

In the EVENTS menu you can see the results of each guild resource distribution.

Before the base inventory is distributed, resources in the form of Minerals and Gems are universal, and when resources are distributed to guild members, they are assigned their respective type (Durability, Luck, or Income).



Cosmic FOMO
Cosmic FOMO

Cosmic FOMO is MarsDAO ecosystem app that allows learning crypto trading in gaming form and earning without risking your own assets.