My Story

Shaun Adams
Cosmic Parenting
Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2024


If you are a parent who has found their way to this article, the Universe has a message for you…

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your child. You are in perfect alignment, and everything is going to be OH-KAY! Just breathe.

As a seasoned parent, I often have to remind myself of these words. You see, I once considered myself a pro at this parenting gig. After all, my wife and I had successfully navigated the raising of our two older children. My son, Jeremiah, who used to attend school with an IEP, graduated cum laude from Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD). My eldest daughter, Jada, proudly finished high school ranking in the top ten of her class. Impressive, right?

As if that wasn’t enough, I’ve had the pleasure of mentoring hundreds of students across two states, specifically in the areas of STEM, and the performing arts, via a program called ACT-SO (Academic, Cultural, Technological, and Scientific Olympics). There, I held the position of director, which involved organizing mentors for each student, and working with them over an academic year.

The recognition I’ve received has been gratifying, with awards from nonprofits and businesses such as Johnson & Johnson, and even the NAACP for my work with teens. So, you can imagine my confidence. I was under the impression that I had this parenting thing all figured out. Well, turns out, I couldn’t have been more mistaken!

When my wife and I welcomed our daughter (Jia) into our lives on the magical date of 11/11/2020, we quickly realized that traditional parenting methods weren’t enough. We were eager for more ways to understand and nurture our precious little one. We started by integrating mindful, and conscious parenting techniques, which gave us some helpful insights, but we craved something more — a method that would truly resonate with our child’s unique essence. So, we started to look at the Universe.

We discovered that the stars hold a wealth of Wisdom. They offer us a unique lens through which to view our daughter’s unique traits and potential. It felt like the Universe Herself had given us a manual for our daughter, a guide inscribed by the cosmos. The more we leaned into this Cosmic Guidance, the more effective our parenting became.

Top: Me and Jia (2020) | Bottom L2R: Jia (my youngest), Me, Jeremiah (our son), Tia (my wife) and Jada (my eldest daughter)

My wife and I regularly track the moon’s phases as a way to understand my daughter’s emotional state. I have observed when Jia’s behavior becomes unexpectedly out of character, it often coincides with a full moon. By being aware of this, I can anticipate these shifts and make adjustments — aka, give myself and my child more grace. It eases my mind (and nerves) because I understand WHY she’s behaving in a certain manner. The next time your child’s behavior perplexes you, consider looking up. The phase of the moon, or the position of a distant planet, might just hold the insights you need.

Over the past few years, I have not only applied this approach in raising our daughter but also my coaching practice. I call it the Cosmic Parenting Method, and it has been a game-changer for us and the families I’ve worked with. Cosmic Parenting is an intuitive approach that uses Human Design, Numerology, and Astrology as a guide to nurture each child’s unique potential. It is rooted in the idea of letting your child be who they came on this planet to be.

I’ve condensed my experiences and lessons-learned into a book I published called, “Cosmic Parenting: Unleash Your Child’s Magical Superpowers of the Zodiac.Every Tuesday and Thursday, I will release a new article on this blog with some of the best content from my book. It is my hope that the content will be highly insightful for parents.

No more guessing games, no more feeling at a loss. Instead, you’ll discover how to decode your child’s unique Cosmic Blueprint that makes them who they are. You’ll find out why they think, feel, and act the way they do. You’ll uncover their strengths, challenges, and even their life purpose.

And the best part is, you don’t need to be an astrologer or a mystic guru to get it. You just need to be an open-minded parent who’s ready to see their child from a new perspective. That’s the basis of the Cosmic Parenting Method. It is a way to view and understand yourself, and your child from a different perspective, one that’s often overlooked; that is, through the eyes of the Universe. It is to say,

“This is Who I Am, unapologetically. Therefore, I give myself permission to Be Who I Am.”

So stay tuned, and we will dive even deeper into the celestial guidance the Universe offers in our parenting journey.



Shaun Adams
Cosmic Parenting

Dad, Hubby, Author, Mystic, Healer, Parent Coach helping parents connect deeply with their kids to create cosmic harmony in their relationships. 💫