Cosmic Compass CONSOLE— Launch of the CoCo Early Access Program (EAP)

Cosmic Compass
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2020

The release of Cosmic Compass — explorer for the Cosmos, Sentinel & LikeCoin networks — enabled the team gain an insight into the micro-details required to run a multi-chain app within the Cosmos Network., the explorer for Cosmos, Sentinel & LikeCoin, utilizes the CoCo backend and the CoCo API infrastructure to read chain data for app development.

Since the start, the idea of CoCo was to enable developers access chain data (read) and interact with the chain (write). This is currently made possible through — Cosmic Compass Console (or CoCo Console) — the single interface to generate and manage API keys for multi-chain app development (centralized/decentralized).

The CoCo Console

overview, sneak peek & potential of the CoCo Console!

The team has been testing the interface and internally have the product team ( be a client of the engineering team (CoCo Console).

There are a lot of possibilities to use CoCo and the team aims to understand better by working very closely with our initial set of teams/developers and participants of the CoCo Console Early Access Program (EAP).

visualization of a list of projects under management by a user on the Cosmic Compass Console
visualization of a list of projects under management by a user on the Cosmic Compass Console

Each data point can be accessed via a key that is generated and the Project Secret is provided if required. The Early Access Program will eventually include the key pair mechanism and until then, it’s only the public key (or) the Project Key that’s considered.

a screenshot of a single project as visualized in the Cosmic Compass Console
a screenshot of a single project as visualized in the Cosmic Compass Console

Teams can utilise keys generated on the CoCo Console to develop apps such as explorers, staking dashboards, income-tax portfolios & computations, DeFi tools, etc.

CoCo Early Access Program (EAP)

program to test the CoCo Console as part of an exclusive cohort, working directly with the CoCo team

The CoCo Early Access Program (EAP) is for developers and teams that are working on their apps and intend to utilize data from any of the supported chains on Cosmic Compass — Cosmos Network, Sentinel Network & LikeCoin.

The primary objective of the CoCo EAP is to understand the utility of the product and identify key areas of improvement in both function & form.

Participants of the CoCo EAP will have increased request limits — 5000/project/day as opposed to the free tier of 1000/project/day — and the CoCo team can be contacted if more requests/calls are required.

Register for the Cosmic Compass Console Early Access Program (EAP) here.

Participants by default have freedom on the development choices (tools, stack and the languages) and the CoCo team will be more than glad to help in case of any issues encountered during data access/interactions with the blockchain.

Additional details on the EAP can be found on the official documentation —

Register for the Cosmic Compass Console Early Access Program (EAP) here.

CoCo — Cosmic Compass Community

community and digital media presence of Cosmic Compass



Cosmic Compass

Cosmic Compass let’s you navigate blockchains with ease, via APIs for developers, GUI for investors & network tooling for StaaS funds & dApps —