Launching Cosmic Compass — Cosmos Network Navigator for developers, validators, funds and investors

Cosmic Compass
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2020

Today, 13/March/2020, marks the end of the first year of Cosmos Network’s Cosmos Hub and we’re excited to announce the launch of Cosmic Compass (CoCo), a (blockchain) network navigator for developers, investors and other stakeholders of a functional (blockchain) network.

CoCo aims to reduce redundant efforts invested to run infra & DevOps for managing blockchain data. Even for a network that’s well funded and has resources, the time invested to develop visualization (across platforms) and enable access to data for external stakeholders is significant.

For a developer of a dApp, to write a ‘Hello, World!’ program fetching data from the chain, the following need to happen without any issues.

  1. Provision a server (independent) (or) request for a server to be provisioned (in an enterprise)
  2. Install full node software
  3. Wait for sync to complete / use a snapshot
  4. Expose the chain data as APIs
  5. Write Hello, world! and fetch data from a public/private blockchain
  6. PS : Maintain Sync Services & Load Balancers to handle scaling

All these steps and imagine if something doesn’t work/goes wrong!

Cosmic Compass, the blockchain network navigator for developers, investors, StaaS funds, dApp users and more!

Cosmic Compass (CoCo)

network navigator with API & GUI access for public & private blockchains

Cosmic Compass manages data of a chain and presents it to stakeholders of the network, as required. In simple words,

Cosmic Compass enables users navigate public/private blockchains with APIs for developers, GUI for investors and Network Tooling for Staking-as-a-Service organizations or funds & c/dApps. With CoCo, accessing data of a chain is a breeze and takes just a few clicks or a single API key.

Cosmic Compass launches today (13/March/2020) — on the first birthday of the Cosmos Hub — supporting Cosmos, Sentinel & LikeCoin networks. Details of the networks are as follows:

  1. Cosmos Network — (mainnet) — cosmoshub-3
  2. Sentinel Network — (testnet) — sentinel-turing-2
  3. LikeCoin — (mainnet) — likecoin-chain-sheungwan

CoCo — a Network Navigator, NOT an explorer

A network navigator as a concept, abstractly includes being able to access and go through data of a (blockchain) network. Access to data and the ability to post transactions to a public/private chain is primarily required for:

  1. network developers, to understand network performance
  2. independent developers, to develop centralized/decentralized apps (c/dApps) on top of the public/private chain
  3. block proposers (equivalent to miners in the Bitcoin Network), to enable their delegators check rewards, withdrawals &
  4. investors & funds, to check rewards received, staking, etc.
  5. dApp user, to monitor dApp usage and/or manage tokens
  6. account holders, to check balance post transactions (transfers, governance, etc.)

How does CoCo fit into the decentralized world of blockchain?

role of centralization & plans for decentralization

In the world of decentralized networks, we felt running a centralized network wouldn’t be quite as attractive. But more than doing cool things (with Cosm Wasm or with IBC), we believed Cosmic Compass and exposing full nodes required dedicated efforts & we chose to invest into it so that no one will ever need to.

The current state of being centralized will enable Cosmic Compass grow as a team and as a network. With community participation and other factors like revenue, partnerships, etc. kicking in, CoCo will ensure that the network (both software & community) is decentralized.

What is CoCo looking at right now?

network partnerships, dApps & user adoption (along with revenue :P)

We have worked on CosmicCompass.IO, which is a demonstration of the backend, infrastructure & APIs that have been developed and will soon be presented to the world outside.

During the development of the current version of, CoCo did not have to work with any of the network team members to get their networks up and running.

The selection criteria however was high transaction utility and public chains that are open source. Since business intervenes with passion, CoCo can not possibly integrate all networks in the Cosmos ecosystem by ourselves.

Right now, Cosmic Compass is actively looking for:

  1. high utility/high transaction activity network partnerships that enable CoCo expose data of the network to (independent c/dApp) developers
  2. dApps, that are looking to start developing on Cosmos, Sentinel, LikeCoin or any Cosmos based chain like e-money, Terra, etc.
  3. adoption/traction — users, developers, staking-as-a-service organizations, funds & more along with Cosmos consultants & Cosmos solution architects can reach out to Cosmic Compass ( and we can plan custom implementations for your network or dApp or your fund.

If you are a blockchain community (like the hardworking teams of #TodayInCosmos) and want to run a hackathon, CoCo will help your participants solve real problems instead of hosting full nodes & waiting for them to sync and expose APIs, before the hackathon is done with!

Those that are interested to associate/partner/get to know us better, can fill this form and we will get back to you.

CoCo — Cosmic Compass Community

community and digital media presence of Cosmic Compass



Cosmic Compass

Cosmic Compass let’s you navigate blockchains with ease, via APIs for developers, GUI for investors & network tooling for StaaS funds & dApps —