Scalable Application Development Planning

Carson Gibbons
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2016

The Problem

I often reference my time as a Client Strategist at my former agency, where I onboarded and produced interactive projects for clients in the Dallas market. My consistent frustration at the time occured during the scoping phase when I would lose projects because I was bidding them based on the use of an installed content management system.

The Solution

My inability to grow budgets with clients’ growth due to the immovable nature of an installed CMS began to weigh on me. There had to be a better way. Working API-first and keeping content decoupled from code would have been a game changer, but I had to leave to figure to that out and start spreading the good news.

Cosmic JS allows brand managers and agency principals to scope new projects on a ‘grow with us’ framework. Agencies are encouraged to Sign Up for Cosmic JS and use a free test bucket to get started. You can even deploy apps onto the Cosmic JS App Server, free for 14 days. The beauty of working with a content management API is that you can scale the bucket(s) your client needs as they need it.

Starting Out — Free Tier

Cosmic JS gives you one Free bucket at any given time for testing and development. Upgrade your Free bucket at any time and add as many buckets as you need. This free tier is perfect for rapid prototyping and client presentations as you move forward to launch.

Scalable Bucket Plans — Small, Medium, Large

Choose how many API Requests, file storage and users you will need for your bucket upon launch. If you’re not yet sure how much you will need, get in touch with the Cosmic JS Team to set up a month-long trial period to measure traffic for API requests and set a budget moving forward. Cosmic JS even offers Annual Plans once you’ve locked in traffic and bandwidth needs for your Cosmic JS bucket of content.

Bucket Add-Ons

Cosmic JS offers Localization & Webhooks as bucket add-ons. We understand that not every client will need these features, but they’re there to tack on as you encounter the client need.

Web Hosting Add-Ons

Should you decide to deploy your application onto the Cosmic JS App Server, you can also utilize web hosting add-ons for custom domains and one-click SSL. Custom domains and one-click SSL are a breeze. Watch their video tutorials here.

Scalable Content Management via API

Cosmic JS allows agencies and developers to scale buckets as their client needs dictate. Install a free bucket for rapid prototyping and testing. Scale a bucket for traffic and management upon launch. Choose from Bucket add-ons should they hold relevance for your client project. Finally, hosting and easy hosting add-ons are a simple click within the Cosmic JS Dashboard. Notice that you do not have to scale the bucket and bucket add-ons all at the same time — most Cosmic JS clients have been using the platform for up to 45 days prior to scaling a bucket into a paid tier.

Final Note

If you think you need more features sets or API requests than are listed on the Cosmic JS Pricing Page, get in contact with us to set up a custom trial period.

Cosmic JS is an API-first cloud-based content management platform that makes it easy to manage applications and content. If you have questions about the Cosmic JS API, please reach out to us on Twitter or Slack.

Carson Gibbons is the Co-Founder & CMO of Cosmic JS, an API-first Cloud-based Content Management Platform that decouples content from code, allowing devs to build slick apps and websites in any programming language they want.



Carson Gibbons

Traveler | Podcaster | Director of Sales at Prev: @cosmic_js | | IG: @carsongibbons