Announcement: Cosmic Validator’s new website powered by Akash

Cosmic Validator
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2021

Introduction: new web hosted on Akash

We are very happy to announce that our new website is not only ready but also hosted on Akash. We think that Akash is among the leading projects within the Cosmos ecosystem and a critical component of the upcoming decentralised web (dWeb). We believe that its talented team, leadership and key partnerships like with Equinix will continue to make Akash the leading decentralised cloud project.

We were impressed by the rapid growth of Akash since its launch and are proud to be also contributing to its growth hosting our non-critical infrastructure as well on Akash, starting with our new web and very soon our sentry nodes as well.

The interest and growth of Akash was further shown recently with the Osmosis DEX launch, where Akash’s token AKT attracted the most liquidity in the different pools just behind Atom. Moreover, Osmosis DEX itself is mostly hosted on Akash, which shows how important and powerful are the different synergies and collaborations within the Cosmos ecosystem.


Cosmic Validator has collaborated since its launch with both Exnetwork and Omniflix network, however now these partnerships will be shown on our new website as well. Exnetwork is a leading investor in many early stage blockchain projects and also well-known within the OTC crypto market. Omniflix network was one of the winners of the Cosmos Games of Zones competition, hosted the launch event of Osmosis DEX, and led other initiatives like the CosmosTV or Conversations with Jack.

Validator in the best projects

Among the networks we validate, Cosmos, Akash and Sentinel have support already for IBC and some of the most liquid pools on Osmosis DEX and likely also in the upcoming Gravity DEX. Other Cosmos ecosystem projects like E-money, Ki or Terra have also shown impressive growth recently and are critical components for the success of the Cosmos ecosystem as a whole. We are also proud that recently we became the number #2 validator in Sentinel just below Cosmostation.

We are also expanding to other ecosystems starting with Kusama and Polkadot and we hope that the Cosmos and Polkadot communities and ecosystems will get closer together, for example through bridges. Once the Ethereum and Bitcoin bridges are also ready and connected to both Cosmos and Polkadot, it will accelerate the growth and benefit all of the connected networks.

Roadmap and upcoming networks

We are expecting to join additional networks this year. Within the Cosmos ecosystem we are working to join Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Persistence, Agoric, Regen network and Tgrade. There are other exciting Cosmos based projects launching soon as well and we are monitoring them and undertaking due diligence to potentially join them too.

Outside of the Cosmos ecosystem, we are aiming to join also both Polkadot and Near. Additional projects are being researched and analysed on an ongoing basis.

Exnetwork & OTC

Through our partnership with Exnetwork we can support our delegators to purchase and stake a large token amount. In addition, we can also support early stage projects with finding investors, strategic decisions and other advisory services.


Cosmic Validator is very optimistic about the Cosmos ecosystem and we will continue to have our main focus on Cosmos based networks. However, as mentioned above, we will begin expanding to other promising networks outside of the Cosmos ecosystem but potentially interconnected also soon via bridges.

Our new web hosted on Akash is just the first step to move all of our non-critical infrastructure to Akash. We will announce soon once our sentry nodes are migrated as well to Akash.

