Can artificial intelligence replace humans in customer service?

Alexandra Kakolyri
2 min readOct 28, 2021


What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

In the recent years, many businesses choose to use AI to support their needs, such as automating business processes, data analysis etc. According to the definition of Britannica, AI is “the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings”. However, one of the biggest fears of people is that AI can replace humans in businesses’ processes. Is this true?

AI in customer service

Let’s discuss what happens in customer service when we start using AI.

Customer service is one of the important departments, maybe the most important, of a business. As we say “customer comes first”, AI can give us the data we need to improve customers’ experience. Here are some ways about AI’s importance in customer service:

· Providing data about customer behavior. The more you know your customer, the better for your business. AI can be used to learn more patterns of customer behavior (like retail spending etc.). Those data will help you build a customized experience.

· 24/7 availability. AI never needs to sleep and that is one of its key benefits. AI can answer customers’ common questions quickly. It is a way to improve user experience and cut operational costs.

· Document sharing. AI enables customers to send documents straight from their computers or smartphones. This reduces paperwork and helps businesses organize their data.

  • Being modern. AI that uses machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) such as Facebook Messenger ensures that businesses’ customer service keeps up with trends.

Can AI replace humans in customer service?

On Cosmoleadership’s LinkedIn page, we created a poll and asked users to answer this question. 58% of voters claimed that AI can’t replace humans in customer service. As we know, AI requires a human to train it to get smarter and smarter. So, in the future, you will find yourself working hand in hand with AI.

Don’t be afraid of technology development, as long as it is used in the right way!



Alexandra Kakolyri

Alexandra Kakolyri is a Digital Marketing Creator. She is passionate with communication and digital marketing.