Workplace happiness: Simple methods to measure it

Alexandra Kakolyri
2 min readDec 8, 2021


How satisfied employees feel is important not only for the smallest businesses but also for the largest! Happy employees stay in businesses for longer terms and are more productive than those who feel unhappy at their workplace.

But, how will you know if your employees feel happy enough? Are any methods to measure employee happiness?

Well, if you really want to know how satisfied your employees are, you can apply some simple methods to measure employee happiness. Here are some of the top methods:

  • Measure productivity twice a year: Looking how efficient your employees are helps your company to improve its strategy and create a safe work environment. There are several ways to measure productivity, some of them are: time management, getting the job done,comparing labor time to goods produced, customer satisfaction. The more productive your employees are, the happier they feel at their workplace.
  • Examine innovation levels: Number of active projects and number of ideas submitted by employees are some simple metrics to examine innovation levels. Evaluating the results of innovative metrics is important for companies’ growth. Happy employees tend to be satisfied for new projects, have more innovative ideas and have more engagement with their company’s culture.
  • Give periodic employee surveys: In these surveys, you can ask employees how likely are to tell about your company to their friends or family. Also, a great question is “what they would change at their workplace in order to feel happy”. These questions will give you all the answers you need to make changes for your company.
  • Errors: Employees who feel unhappy at their workplace tend to make more errors than happy employees. They might make mistakes because they don’t care for the company.

On Cosmoleadership’s LinkedIn page, we created a poll and asked voters to tell us which method they use to measure employee happiness. 46% of voters monitor innovation levels to measure how happy employees are. 30% chose periodic employee surveys, such as the Happiness Metric, 22% measured productivity twice a year and 2% watched for mistakes made by their employees in order to understand how happy they are.

Happy employees are more engaged with their company and the levels of their productivity are higher. Creating a healthy environment for your employees matters! Your company’s culture should encourage employees’ well-being in order to achieve the success you deserve.



Alexandra Kakolyri

Alexandra Kakolyri is a Digital Marketing Creator. She is passionate with communication and digital marketing.