How I lost 15kg in 2 months

Weight loss is both mental and physical.

Cosmin Angheluta
Cosmopolitan Mindset
7 min readMay 12, 2020


Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Ours is the society of diets, the society of losing weight and going to the gym. Still, compared to the past, ours is also the society that doesn’t accomplish its goals and drops them.

At least once in your life, you started a diet, we all did. You were motivated, you felt like you could fast for weeks, and then, after a few days, you disregarded the rules, until the diet perished naturally.

Today you still want to lose that extra fat surrounding your belly, but it seems like you are not strong enough. Every time it ends up in failure, and you see no progress. It’s exhausting.

I reached 85kg in my worst days. I was 22, and I was ashamed about my body. I was eating anything because it became a habit, and I couldn’t stop myself.

My life changed because of my eating pattern. I lost my confidence, and I lost a clear vision of my future. I became a parasite to my parents’ house.

Then, one day, I finally lost my girlfriend too. I loved that woman so much that my perspective on life changed completely.

I needed to make myself available again. I wanted to be attractive to get back on the market, so I searched for tricks to become confident and get back in shape.



Cosmin Angheluta
Cosmopolitan Mindset

I build weekly challenges, ideas, Notion templates, and tracking infographics to become the best version of yourself @