Cosmos Blockchain Developer meetup at Kauls Tech Hub

chidi olisa
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2023

Introduction: The Cosmos Blockchain Developer Meetup held at Kaul’s Tech on the Hub on the 15 th of september 2023, brought together a select group of 10 Web2 developers keen on venturing into the Cosmos blockchain ecosystem. The primary objective was to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to set up a Cosmos SDK development environment.


  1. Welcome and Introduction to Cosmos Ecosystem:

The event commenced with a warm welcome and an overview of the Cosmos ecosystem. Participants were introduced to the fundamental concepts of blockchain technology and the distinctive features that set Cosmos apart.

2. Setting Up Cosmos SDK Development Environment:

  • A substantial portion of the meetup was dedicated to guiding attendees through the process of setting up their Cosmos SDK development environments. This hands-on session involved the installation of essential tools, configuration of the development environment, and establishing a functional testnet for practical exercises.

3. Exploring Key Components of Cosmos:

  • The meetup included an interactive session where participants delved into the core components of the Cosmos network. This encompassed an in-depth look at the Cosmos Hub, Tendermint consensus mechanism, and the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. Attendees gained a comprehensive understanding of the interoperability and scalability aspects that define the Cosmos ecosystem.

4. Practical Exercises and Workshops:

  • Following the theoretical sessions, participants engaged in practical exercises and workshops. This provided them with the opportunity to apply their newly acquired knowledge by executing tasks within the Cosmos environment. The exercises were designed to reinforce their understanding and confidence in utilizing the SDK.

Outcomes and Future Plans: The Cosmos Blockchain Developer Meetup at Kaul’s Tech Hub was a resounding success, effectively imparting crucial skills to 10 Web2 developers looking to transition into blockchain development, particularly within the Cosmos ecosystem. The event marked a significant step towards bridging the gap between traditional web development and blockchain technology.

Looking ahead, we anticipate organizing more meetups and workshops to continue fostering a vibrant and knowledgeable developer community focused on Cosmos. The success of this meetup encourages us to expand our outreach, targeting a wider audience of developers interested in blockchain technology. Additionally, we intend to visit 4 more tech hubs accross Nigeria/Africa and will host hackathons and collaborative events to provide participants with practical applications for their newfound skills.

Conclusion: The Cosmos Blockchain Developer Meetup at Kaul’s Tech Hub was a pivotal event in empowering Web2 developers to embark on their journey into blockchain development, with a specific emphasis on the Cosmos ecosystem. With an engaged group of 10 attendees and a comprehensive agenda, the meetup succeeded in equipping participants with the essential tools and knowledge required to thrive in the blockchain space. We look forward to future events and initiatives aimed at further enriching the developer community in this domain.

