chidi olisa
Published in
Oct 22, 2020

The cosmos Africa team continued its expansion and awareness in to the African continent, the team began a defi series which will run in 3 countries around Africa, the first edition was themed “ POSSIBILITIES IN DECENTRALIZED FINANCE’’ with a close look at one of the highly succesfull projects built on Cosmos blockchain. the event kicked of with an introduction from the organizer and leader of the cosmos team in Africa mr chidi, followed by a brief introduction from members who attended the event, he then proceeded to do a brief presentation about the cosmos blockchain and its ecosystem before delving deeply in to decentralized financing with a focus on kava and how the system works, he touched on various aspects of decentralized financing and the advantages it has over centralized finance. he further used the opportunity to onboard the attendees in to the world of Defi. it was a good event with significant participation and engagement as there were lots of questions tackled during the question and answer session, the event lasted 3 hours and 30 minutes. he further announced that the second edition will take place in Ghana on the 25th of October 2020 while the 3rd edition will take place here in Nigeria.

