chidi olisa
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2020

The cosmos Africa team held 2 offline events on the 22 of December 2020, the Events were held in Enugu state Nigeria and kumasi Ghana. the event which took place in Nigeria was with Medical students in Blockchain ,the speaker used the oppurtunity to bring more students in to awareness about the cosmos ecosystem starting from the basics to a more detailed education on why cosmos is is the blockchain of choice. the speaker also took time to explain the different areas where cosmos blockchain can be applied sighting different projects in different fields who have already joined the cosmos ecosystem. the question and answer series was more of interaction and networking, the organiser and speaker mr chidi also gave out cosmos tokens to participants. this event also marked the last event for the year 2020.

on the same day another offline event also took place in Kumasi Ghana, the event was organised by Mr Everistus who is part of the cosmos Africa team, he placed emphasis on iris network which is one of the projects on cosmsos ecosystem .he gave a run down on what iris is all about and the importance of distributed business applications. the event also marked the last event for the year 2020. he thanked all who have been with cosmos throughout this journey and also told them to expecting an even more exiting 2021.

It has been an exciting 2020 so far, the cosmos Africa team was able to successfully organize and host 11 meetups across Africa in Nigeria and Ghana with over 500 people attending from different fields ranging from students, investors,engineers, statisticians, lecturers, developers, Accountants, artisans, skilled laborers etc . this events introduced and brought the participants in to awareness about the cosmos blockchain and its ecosystem. we also brought in more volunteers to help in building the Cosmos Africa community.

we want to specially thank The cosmos Team and Tendermint.

we also thank all those who contributed in various ways to ensure we make progress in Africa

we also thank all who attended the various events and all who have been reading and spreading our articles to reach more people.

Thank you all as we look forward to a more exciting 2021 with an even more passion and hard work.

