chidi olisa
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2020

The third edition is a series of 5 events was held on the 6 th day of September 2020, proudly organized and hosted by team Cosmos Africa

Event kick started at 4pm with the opening remarks by nana, this event was a continuation of the series, the attendants were mainly people that also participated in the last event that was held at the same venue . the speaker gave a presentation on the cosmos concept. the presentation was more about usability. he highlighted that it can be very difficult for most people especially developers to get into blockchain due to the complexity involved , he narrated on how the cosmos sdk has solved it and made it very easy for developers to get on board and how this has clearly led to more developers using the cosmos sdk which evident on the number of solutions and applications that have been built using the sdk. he also encouraged the 2 developers present to take a closer look at the sdk and see solutions they could build, he also said should they have any difficulty that he is willing to put them acsross to the cosmos team for more assistance. the event was largely interactive. during the feedback session , one of the participants suggested that the cosmosAfrica team be featured on the Tv program crypto half hour to talk more about the project. the event came to close after 3 hours of interaction with an announcement from the host that the next event will take place on the 14 th of september which will be a continuation of the series. he disclosed that the focus for the next event will be on interoperability.

Thanks and stay tuned for the next event

