CosmosCr — Welcome to Cosmos Cyber Reality Medium page.

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3 min readNov 20, 2018

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We are proud to announce Cosmos Cyber Reality to the cryptocurrency community! Cosmos CR is a decentralized virtual reality metaverse powered by the blockchain. The metaverse is a platform where end-users can navigate, explore, create and actively use the applications created in the virtual world inside the web-browser.
Users can buy virtual real estate and own it on the blockchain as a NFT (non fungible token). The land owners will have full control and ownership over their land.

To support the virtual world and a vibrant economy on the platform the CYBR token is created. The CYBR token will be distributed during the ICO phase, details will be released soon. Land parcels will be sold for CYBR tokens by a non profit foundation. Cosmos CR will create smart solutions to integrate the CYBR token in applications on the platform, and can
reward projects for integrating the CYBR token.

What makes us unique?

We will be the first decentralized VR world with a dynamic land system. The virtual world will be able to grow when there is demand and will be future proof. To make a virtual world successful long-term, it needs to be exciting and vibrant. Land must be actively used and maintained, nothing is worse than empty land parcels in the VR world, because users lost their private key. This problem is also solved with the dynamic land system.

The community land will be adjacent land parcels and all will have the same size and shape. The size of one parcel on the Cosmos will be around 10m x 10m (30ft x 30ft) depending on the final shape. This is not big enough for most use-cases, think about a theme park or a game. That’s why we invented planets. Everyone who owns a land parcel on the mainland can buy a planet that will be connected to the mainland parcel. The planet will be decentralized but locked and owned by the mainland parcel, so it can’t be sold separate. The dimensions of the planet determine the total price. It will be possible to resize the planet. The planet system prevents applications from being miles apart. It keeps the mainland compact while still being able to offer enough space for all use-cases. In this way all experiences can be developed as independent applications but still be connected by the same portal.

We see a great future in Non fungible tokens and want to implement easy ways to interact with NFT’s.
NFT Wikipedia




CosmosCR is a virtual reality world powered by the blockchain for more information