The Virtual World of Cosmos

Published in
6 min readDec 21, 2018

In this article we would like to explain more about the virtual land in Cosmos Cyber Reality. The virtual land is one of the most important parts in making the decentralized virtual world possible. That is why it needs to be flawless. The virtual world should be vibrant and exciting and full of use cases. All of this in a complete VR experience.

The Cosmos Universe

Cosmos is a virtual reality world that is made out of many land parcels. A land parcel is your own piece of the universe! You can buy it and hold it as an NFT (non-fungible token. This gives the token holder true ownership of the land parcel.

(Please read more about what an NFT is here ).

A land parcel can be compared to your own domain name on the internet, and allows you to build your own 3D environment or application on the Cosmos platform. Great examples are games, web shops, VR showrooms and much more. The only limit is your imagination. Don’t worry if you don’t have any programming experience, you can buy your own virtual real estate in the community store and enjoy the benefits the virtual world has to offer.

The cosmos universe.

The cosmos universe starts with a total of 50000 land parcels that are created in the first land forming. The 50000 land titles will form the first city and this will slowly expand in the future. Starting small and controlled expanding will keep virtual land scarce, but open for new people to join and for new use cases to emerge.

There will be two types of parcels:

Public land

Public land will be used by the non-profit foundation to create the infrastructure. Examples are roads, stations, parks, water and everything needed to make the city attractive. But the foundation will also build some showcases to give an impression of the possibilities.

Community land

The community land consists of the land parcels sold to the community and the NFT gives them true ownership of their virtual land property.

Every land parcel has the same size of 10m x 10m (approximately 33ft x 33ft) and is adjacent to another land parcel. All parcels have x and y coordinates and these determine the unique locations of the parcels.

The first city will be generated in a circle with a diameter of 262 land parcels. In the centre there will be a central square with foundation buildings.

Land distribution

A maximum of 15000 land parcels will be given away during the ICO phase (one land parcel for every 5 eth). 15000 land parcels will be used as public land and will be owned by the non-profit foundation. The other 20000 land parcels will be sold to the community in an auction.

After a year new land parcels will be generated in a controlled way to allow new use cases to emerge while keeping the land scarce. This land will be sold by the non-profit foundation and the tokens raised will 100% go back into the ecosystem of the virtual world. The new land parcels can be added to the existing mainland at the location of choice.


Land parcels are limited in space and we did that for a reason. The mainland should serve as a place where people can walk from use case to use case without having to walk miles. The mainland should be compact with a lot to do. For some applications, for instance a web shop or a showroom, the space of a land parcel will be enough, but for games people would probably need more space.

That’s why we created planets. Planets are an extension to your land parcel and allow you to create bigger environments suitable for theme parks, games and much more. To buy a planet you will always need a land parcel in the mainland that serves as portal to your planet.

Every land parcel gives you the right to own one planet. The planet is also a non-fungible token (NFT), but instead of owning the non-fungible token your mainland parcel owns the planet. So indirectly you control the planet, but you can never sell it separate from your land parcel. Your mainland and planet are connected and always act as one. It is possible however to connect more mainland parcels to one planet. This creates more portals to your planet at different locations on the mainland.

Dynamic land system

One of the features that will make Cosmos CR unique is the dynamic land system. As explained before, the land should be vibrant and exciting. The virtual land won’t be really popular if there are empty parcels everywhere as that would make the city look chaotic. People losing their private key can be a real issue, especially if this person owns more than one land parcel. The virtual world will also need some rules so that it will be a great place for all ages.

This is why we’re working with a dynamic land system. Everyone will have their own location and they will keep this location as long as they can prove they still own their private key. People will need to do a small task now and then (the frequency is to be determined) to prove ownership of their land. If land owners fail to prove this several times they will be removed from their location and their land parcel will be non-active. The land owners will not lose their land parcel however but only their location. If they want to, they can reconnect their land to the virtual world on an available location.

Land owners will never lose their location if they perform the needed actions, and land owners can decide to change location to any available parcel or connect it to the outside of the mainland. This is great if you see a great available land parcel that suits your use case or if you decide to change your land to a use case that needs to be in a specific district because of the content.

On-chain governance

The cosmos will have some rules to keep the land fun and appropriate for everyone. Land owners that don’t follow the rules should be warned and after a couple of warnings even be removed from their location (they will not lose their land). But this should not be done by a single entity or organisation as this would create a centralized weakness in the system that will not work for a decentralized metaverse. For this we’re looking to create an on-chain governance to prevent people from crossing the boundaries. This doesn’t mean we do not support all kinds of content, because everything should be possible, but to allow areas fit for all visitors. That’s why for some specific applications and environments we will make specific districts that can also grow with the universe. An example can be an adult district.

Adult district

Adult content can be a part in the future of VR. For instance gambling and 18+ use cases.

The experiences are much more realistic than ever before, but to separate this from people that might find this offensive we will create an adult district. Here people can do everything they like to be available for adults, from adult shops to webcam services or strip bars.

Going to a casino and to actually be able to talk to the other poker players can make it much more fun and can make the experience much more realistic.

For more questions about the Virtual world and land parcels you’re welcome to join our open communities on different social media platforms. The links can be found on the website




CosmosCR is a virtual reality world powered by the blockchain for more information