What is AR and VR? Which one is better?

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5 min readDec 7, 2018

The benefits of technology are innumerable. We realize this as we understand how the advancement of technology has helped us in our daily lives. For example, our smartphones have replaced many things that used to be on our desks and walls (Calendar, clock, calculator, notepads, sticky notes, camera, etc. Interestingly, in the present times, we find technology at a futuristic stage that has enhanced our reality in two ways:

1. Augmented Reality (AR)

2. Virtual Reality (VR)

Many people tend to confuse AR and VR with each other. But the truth is, they are really different and unique things and the differences between them are many. In this post, we will discuss their differences, compare them and highlight some interesting real-life examples. Let’s start with the following grid which has reality on one side and virtual reality on the other.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality is a computer generated reality which simulates the real environment and allows users to interact with it. It does not interact with the real world but is designed in such an immersive way that users find it difficult to differentiate from real and virtual. It is also the only medium that guarantees complete focus of the user on the content and there are no distractions.

In order to make virtual reality work, or enter into the virtual world, you need a head-mounted display (HMD) that is powered by a high-end computer or phone which has the capacity to allow users to easily interact with the virtual world through controllers. Such HMDs include Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Samsung GearVR.

VR transports us to infinite worlds that are limited only by our own imagination. You can be anything you like and do everything here. Virtual Reality brings you all those experiences that you can never get in real life. What’s best is that you can stay safe and relaxed in your VR rig while in the virtual world you are having death-defying experiences.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality overlays the real world objects with virtual objects and effectively enhances the existing environment in a meaningful way. It can also be explained as the blending of the virtual world and the real world. This is done through the development of images within applications that have the capacity of blending in with the objects of the real world. Although AR users can easily interact with virtual objects in the real world, they are also fully aware of the digital objects and can distinguish between the real ones and the digital ones.

Unlike VR, AR typically requires slightly less processing power as there is no need to render a complete scene here. We are just overlaying virtual elements to the real environment. In order to experience AR you need portable devices (smartphones) and AR headsets and with the launch of Google’s ARCore and Apple’s ARKit, you can expect to see AR pretty much everywhere around you.

Some use cases of AR include online shopping as it makes it really convenient and time-saving. AR apps allow customers to virtually view and even try on products that are sold online. Ikea’s Place app is already using this technology and allows customers to try out how their items would look in their home. AR is also quite popular in the automotive industry and is already been used in the repairs and maintenance sections. Applications allow motor experts to send accurate visual instructions to technicians utilizing real-time augmented reality. With the support for smart glasses, technicians utilize the knowledge to troubleshoot issues and repair vehicles. AR is very useful for navigation as digital objects overlapping true world objects can display directions and guide people to the right locations. Many businesses use AR to attract people to their stores. Blippar has already launched an app that assists people with navigation with AR. The app reins in both AR and computer vision to enable users in accessing useful information as they travel.

AR versus VR

Now for the big question. Which one is better? AR or VR? There is no real answer to this question. While AR brings something to where you are, VR will take you to places. You cannot say whether pliers are better than hammers, they both are different things having completely different functionalities. In truth, VR and AR are not competing technologies, they are complementary technologies and have a big role in the future.

In the next three years, the combined market size of AR and VR is forecasted to reach a staggering USD 215 billion. Similarly, the awareness among the consumers and the ease of development of AR and VR app is expected to further enhance the potential of these technologies. Currently, we have not even harnessed 10% of the true potential of the AR and VR and the prominent barriers here are the bulkiness of the devices, limited mobility and the high costs. Despite all this, the market is rising rapidly and the coming years will definitely be very interesting.

How about an even safer VR world?

Since the possibilities are endless in the virtual world, how amazing will it be if you can actually benefit from the time spent in the virtual world? How about a blockchain powered virtual universe that is strengthened by a strong cryptocurrency? It will be secure and allow develop whatever you like. Imagine going to the casino with your friends and knowing the source from where your winnings are coming from and being assured no one will be able to steal your winnings? In Cosmos CR, all these things are possible because it is a blockchain powered virtual universe that is strengthened by the $CYBR token. Here, the only limit is your imagination. If you like to know more about it and get in touch with our developers. Join our telegram group here.




CosmosCR is a virtual reality world powered by the blockchain for more information https://cosmoscr.io