Cosmostation Joins as a Ethereum Staking Validator is a decentralized non-custodial Ethereum staking platform launching on March 4th, 2023.

2 min readMar 2, 2023


Cosmostation Meets

Cosmostation will be working with as a launch partner for their upcoming platform launch. This partnership represents an opportunity for Cosmostation to expand our reach to Ethereum ecosystem and bring the strengths of Cosmostation to a broader scope.

We believe that this partnership with is a natural fit for Cosmostation, as our commitment to security and decentralized user experience aligns perfectly with their values.

About is a solution that addresses the issues of centralization and composability in ETH staking. As a decentralized and non-custodial staking platform, allows stakers to maintain control of their keys while delegating validator operations to a node operator.

The platform introduces a new approach to the staking market by creating an NFT representation of every validator generated through its protocol. This allows for the storage of validator metadata, unlocking new use cases and long-term value creation for developers building on staking infrastructure. Ethereum stakers depositing a minimum of 32 ETH will hold the NFT, representing their economic interest in the validator.

Once the NFT liquidity pool and protocol treasury management contracts are implemented and launched, will enable fractionalization through the launch of its eETH Liquid Staking Derivative token. This will allow liquidity pool individual stakers with more than 0.1 ETH to benefit from the decentralized protocol.

Stakers and node operators will also benefit from economic exposure to revenue derived from services built on the staking infrastructure. Overall, provides a unique and innovative solution to the challenges facing ETH staking and has the potential to unlock significant value for developers and stakeholders alike.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation has been a web3 infrastructure team contributing to more than 50 protocols since 2018. Our suite of products include Mintscan block explorer, Cosmostation non-custodial crypto wallet, and node validator service. At Cosmostation, we bootstrap networks and onboard end-users.


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