Cosmostation Mobile Wallet 2.0 — Seamless Multichain DeFi Experience

Cosmostation mobile wallet just went through a major update focused on integrating all the chains for the users’ seamless multichain DeFi experience.

6 min readMar 27, 2024



With the development of Cosmos-SDK and roll-ups, the number of blockchain networks is growing exponentially. The Cosmos ecosystem started as a single chain in 2019, and now we have more than 60 networks interconnected with IBC technology. Although most of the Cosmos chains are sovereign networks, the Cosmos ecosystem members move organically as if they’re in a single ecosystem, thanks to the IBC tech.

To support the growing Cosmos ecosystem, the Cosmostation mobile wallet reframed the user experience to be seamless across all the chains. The keyword is ‘integration’, incorporating all the chains into the Cosmostation mobile wallet in a way that they work together efficiently as part of a unified system. Here’s how we made the integration:

Integrated Asset Dashboard

Cosmos is an ecosystem of appchains that play their part in it. So chances are, most Cosmonauts have assets in more than one chain. The previous Cosmostation mobile wallet organized assets by the chains that they were held under. But it only makes sense to show all of the assets that a user holds across the ecosystem at a glance. At the same time, we don’t want to create a crazy desktop layout like the image below.

crazy desktop

That is why we’re taking the 2-depth approach in the 2.0 version of the Cosmostation mobile wallet app. In the main dashboard, the total value of the assets held in all the chains combined is shown at the top. From this view, users can get a macroscopic sense of their investment status. Each chain’s shares are also represented on the dashboard page in descending order by the value of assets.

By clicking a chain from the main dashboard, users can view their assets in a local scope. From the chain view, users can see all the native coins, IBC coins, CW20 tokens, and ERC20 tokens with their values. Users can also view their transaction histories and take actions like staking and voting from the floating button in the bottom right corner.

Claim Them All!

If you have assets across different chains, you are probably staking them on different chains as well. To make the multichain experience as seamless as possible, the new Cosmostation mobile wallet allows users to claim all the staking rewards at once. This hope this feature will save a lot of time for the active delegators staking many different tokens across the ecosystem. You can access this all-in-one rewards claim feature from the service tab.

Inter-Blockchain Swap

Should users be worried about finding the best swap-rates and the correct IBC routes when making a trade? Our answer is ‘NO’. We believe that our users should be able to make free trades regardless of what kind of DEX they use or in which chain their assets are held.

That is why the new Cosmostation mobile wallet offers inter-blockchain swap in our service tab. Users can swap their tokens across all the IBC connected chains from the ‘COIN SWAP’ feature now. The swap is engineered by Skip Protocol team and integrated with many IBC relayers and exchanges like Osmosis and Astroport.

Designed to Keep the Individuality

Cosmos is an ever-expanding ecosystem of interoperable and sovereign blockchain apps and services, built for a decentralized future. Although the ecosystem is heading towards better integrations with the IBC technology, the blockchain apps in it still get to keep their individuality. That’s why we support different custom features for different chains supported on the new Cosmostation mobile wallet.

Custom Features Support

Different sovereign blockchain networks offer different scopes of features. For instance, because it is an ICS(Interchain Security) secured network, Neutron does not support staking while it utilizes vaults and DAO system for governance. So the new Cosmostation mobile wallet offers DAO voting feature and vault deposit, withdraw feature from its Neutron chain view. Users can click the floating button at the bottom right corner to access these custom features.

Neutron Chain Custom Features

Kava is another good example of a chain for which the new Cosmostation mobile wallet supports custom features. For Kava, we offer basic features like send, staking, rewards claiming, rewards compounding, and governance voting. On top of these, there’s a ‘Kava DeFi’ feature where the users can mint, lend, swap and earn Kava assets.

Kava Chain Custom Features

Thanks to the ICS, the Cosmos hub staking rewards come with many different tokens — Neutron, Stride, and LSTs from Stride. Cosmos delegators using the new Cosmostation mobile wallet can now view all types of rewards from the Cosmos chain view by holding the $ATOM asset card on the top. It feels good to get 12 different rewards for staking one asset.

End-Point Options

RPC end-points play an important role in the usability of a crypto wallet that has to deliver live states of blockchains. A failure or an error from a defunct end-point can lead to a fatal result for a user when he’s making onchain transactions. In order to hedge against such danger, Cosmostation Wallet supports decentralized end-point options. Instead of using a centralized single end-point for all the onchain data, Cosmostation Wallet users can choose from multiple end-point options. When one rpc end-point is acting funny, users can simply try other options for clarity.

To Ethereum and Beyond!

Cosmostation’s multichain UX integration does not stop at Cosmos-SDK based chains. With the latest update, Cosmostation mobile wallet supports widely used EVM chains like Ethereum, Optimism, and Polygon. Cosmostation plans to support more and more EVM chains like Base, Arbitrum, zkSync, and more. Cosmostation Wallet supports send & receive of $ETH and ERC20 tokens on the supported EVM networks. And Ethreum staking service from mobile wallet is also in our roadmap!

Zooming Out…

Cosmostation mobile wallet 2.0 is about providing a seamless multichain experience for the users. There can be 100 chains offering 100 apps and services, but the users should feel like they are on a single platform. There will be more and more chains added to the mobile wallet app in the future. And we’ll make sure the users are not hindered by disconnections between the blockchains.

Next up: Ethereum staking!

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation has been a web3 infrastructure team contributing to more than 50 protocols since 2018. Our suite of products include Mintscan block explorer, Cosmostation non-custodial crypto wallet, and node validator service. At Cosmostation, we bootstrap networks and onboard end-users.


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