Cosmostation Mobile Wallet Update: V1.7

Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2022

What’s new: Passage mainnet, dApp tab, Evmos Wallet Connect, evm address, and AuthZ.

There are 5 major changes included in this update:
1. Passage mainnet wallet is live on Cosmostation Mobile Wallet
2. DAPP tab added, supporting 7 dApps on 5 chains
3. Evmos Wallet Connect enabled
4. EVM address displayed under Evmos & Kava Cosmos address
5. AuthZ enabled on Evmos, Juno, Stargaze, Injective, Gravitybridge, Fetchai, and Bitsong

Passage Mainnnet

Passage is the 44th mainnet wallet to join Cosmostation Mobile Wallet! Passage is building an accessible and customizable 3D world for video chat, presentations, collaboration, and e-commerce. If you are interested in metaverse and NFTs, Passage is definitely worth checking out.


Introducing “DAPP” tab on Cosmostation mobile wallet — users can now have full access to all the dApps in Cosmostation mobile wallet on their phones. There’s no need to use a web browser on a computer to swap and farm tokens on defi protocols anymore.

Cosmostation currently supports 7 dApps on 5 different chains. But sky is the limit. Any dApp can be listed on the “DAPP” tab simply by making a pull request on our github as long as it’s built with Wallet Connect, Trust Wallet Connect, or Keplr libraries.

Wallet Connect & EVM Address

  • Cosmostation now supports Wallet Connect on Evmos network. Easily connect to your choice of Evmos dApps on any computer without the danger of mnemonic phrase leaks.
  • Corresponding EVM addresses under the same mnemonic phrases are now displayed below Cosmos addresses for Evmos & Kava network.


AuthZ is an implementation of a Cosmos SDK module, per ADR 30, that allows granting arbitrary privileges from one account (the granter) to another account (the grantee). The granter may allow the grantee to perform tasks such as rewards claiming, staking, and voting on behalf of the granter. AuthZ feature can be found in the “WALLET” tab of Cosmostation Mobile Wallet.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation provides a purely streamlined access to the interchain through developing a suite of user-friendly applications for partner networks we help secure as an industry-leading validator node operator and investor. Our interchain products ranging from Mintscan Block Explorer, Cosmostation Mobile Wallet(iOS, Android), Cosmostation Web Wallet, Cosmostation Extension, to serve as both a powerful set of tools for protocols/exchanges to onboard users and for developers/validators to efficiently navigate networks.


Mintscan | Extension | Android | iOS | Web Wallet | Spacestation Bridge

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