Cosmostation Weekly vol.71

Mikey JH Lee
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2 min readFeb 21, 2023

What happened at the station in last week: February 14th ~ February 20th, 2023

TL;DR: CWN Extract

🛰 DApps in the palm of your hand! Enjoy the Interchain dApps on Cosmostation mobile now on “DAPP” tab.

🛰 Canto x Cosmostation: Canto is now supported by Cosmostation validator, Mintscan, Cosmostation mobile & extension wallet. Stake with Cosmostation now!

🛰 Cerberus chain will be stopped at block 4850000, as decided by proposal #31.


  • Sei’s 2-week-long staking game for the current testnet “Stake It Till You Make” has begun— delegate to place your assigned validators on the top validator list & get prizes!



  • Kava Labs is joining hands with Akash Network! Akash is deploying $1M worth of $AKT tokens to Kava Strategic Vaults, a Kava ecosystem fund for further development, to reward validators that utilizes Akash’s decentralized cloud service. IBC gang strong together!


About Cosmostation

Cosmostation provides a purely streamlined access to the interchain through developing a suite of user-friendly applications for partner networks we help secure as an industry-leading validator node operator and investor. Our interchain products ranging from Mintscan Block Explorer, Cosmostation Mobile Wallet(iOS, Android), Cosmostation Web Wallet, Cosmostation Extension, to serve as both a powerful set of tools for protocols/exchanges to onboard users and for developers/validators to efficiently navigate networks.


Mintscan | Extension | Android | iOS | Web Wallet | Spacestation Bridge

Official | Github | Twitter | Telegram

