CosmWasm Contract Details on Mintscan Explorer

Jay Lee | Cosmostation
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2022

Cosmostation introduces a new feature, CosmWasm Contract Details, on


Mintscan is a product developed & improved by the Cosmostation team and it is one of the beloved block explorers in the Cosmos ecosystem. Recently, lots of Cosmos SDK based projects are integrating CosmWasm. Some projects have already passed the governance and many other projects are to follow.

As one of the beloved Cosmos ecosystem block explorer, we thought that it is essential to show the contract details of CosmWasm on mintscan. After series of testing and reviews, Cosmostation is thrilled to introduce you a brand new feature.

What is mintscan?

Mintscan is a user-friendly block explorer specifically built for PoS blockchain networks, including a number of sovereign blockchains designed with Tendermint consensus engine such as Cosmos Network, Osmosis Labs, Junø, Persistence. You can find almost all the data you need in the cosmos ecosystem including on-chain transactions, list of validators, proposals and block information, etc.

For those who still haven’t checked out the mintscan yet, please check out the link below.

What is CosmWasm?

CosmWasm is a new smart contracting platform built in the Cosmos ecosystem. It is in the format of a module that can plug into the Cosmos SDK. This is one of the most effective ways to add smart contract on the cosmos SDK and its codes on one chain can be executed on another chain. Its benefit of easily integrable is best suited for strengthening the whole cosmos ecosystem and make better use of the IBC.

If you want to know more in-depth about what CosmWasm is, please visit the link below:

CosmWasm Detail on Mintscan

With the help of mintscan, users will now be able to see all the codes deployed on Juno, who called the contract, and details of transactions.

When you click “Smart Contract” tab, users will be able to see Popular Contracts, Contracts, and Wasm Codes. Popular Contract is a section where users can see which contracts are trending at the moment whereas Contracts section shows all the contracts that are on Juno. Also, a list of Wasm codes are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Let’s take a look at NETA token as an example. When you click NETA Token on the Popular Contracts, you will be able to see Contract Detail, Contract Info, Balance, and related Transactions.

On Contract Detail, it shows various information such as contract name, code ID, and messages when the contract was first initiated. Among those details, admin address is the important part because users can see who the owner is.

When you click Id on the Wasm codes from the main page of “Smart Contract” tab, it will lead you to a page where you can see Code Detail, Contracts, and Transaction. In the Code Detail, Checksum is important to distinguish whether it is an original code that doesn’t have any malicious code.

Last but not least transaction detail page is where user can find information and messages from the transaction. From the Message sections, users will now be able to see the messages inside the executed contract in json format.


As the demand for IBC grew so rapidly, demand for CosmWasm will grow at a similar speed or faster. With the current adoption of CosmWasm from various projects, CosmWasm Detail Page will play a huge role in supporting CosmWasm and its ecosystem participants.

Visit Mintscan to find out more about the contract detail!

Next Milestone

Mintscan will continue to support our partners, communities and the ecosystem by all means: including constantly updating CosmWasm Contract Detail, integrating wallet on the explorer as a browser extension and supporting unique feature of app-specific blockchains. Stay tuned for more exiting updates! Thank you!

Cosmostation Validator Node is a top tier, enterprise-level network-securing validator node for PoS(Proof of Stake) & Tendermint based blockchains. Stake with us to earn passive income with security.

Mintscan Block Explorer: a block explorer proudly represented to exchanges & everyday users, made with sophistication.

Cosmostation Mobile Wallet is a non-custodial application, chosen by the majority of users within the @tendermint ecosystem. Download your app from these links: iOS & Android

Cosmostation Web Wallet: web wallet with Ledger hardware wallet integration.

Keystation Extension: End-to-end encrypted key management system for networks built with Tendermint. Open source, no installation, no hardware required.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation is an enterprise-level validator node infrastructure & end-user application provider based in Seoul, South Korea. Cosmostation runs validator nodes across several networks, specifically focused on networks built with PoS(Proof of Stake) consensus. Along with node operation, Cosmostation develops and maintains Mintscan Block Explorer and Cosmostation iOS, Android, Web Wallets to support in-depth features for modules specific to each network.

Android Wallet: Android — Google Play Store
iOS Wallet: iOS — iTunes App Store
Block Explorer:

