EigenLayer Node Operator Delegation Guide

Since the official mainnet launch of EigenLayer dozens of AVSs have come online, but how do you delegate your restaked ETH to secure them?

Matthew Ambrose
5 min readApr 18, 2024


EigenDA, WitnessChain, Aethos, Altlayer, Blockless, Drosera Network, Espresso, Ethos, and Hyperlane… these are just some of the AVSs (Actively Validated Services) that have either been launched already, or are in the pipeline.

By now most EigenLayer participants know that in order to leverage their restaked ETH to secure AVSs and later accrue more rewards distributed by them, they need to delegate their EigenLayer restaked assets to node operators that are validating on AVSs.

Since EigenLayer mainnet, Cosmostation has been validating on a number of AVSs, including EigenDA as of recent. And now that the EigenLayer caps have been lifted, more hopeful restakers are able to join the space.

While there are multiple ways to leverage your ETH on EigenLayer, such as going straight to an LRT, like Etherfi, this guide will focus on taking you through the A to Z of delegating to node operators via the LST route.

So strap in and LFG.

Step 1: Get yourself some Liquid Staked ETH

To do this we access the Lido staking website and connect our wallet that’s holding our ETH .

We then choose the amount of ETH to liquid stake . . .

Liquid Staking 0.22 ETH . . .

We then confirm the tx . . . and presto! You are now the proud owner of stETH.

Great! But now what?
Well this is where we move on to…

Step 2: Restaking your LST on EigenLayer

For this we head on over to EigenLayer, where we connect our wallet that’s holding the stETH.

If this is your first time… your dashboard may look somewhat bare…

Nothing going here… for now

But that is easily remedied.

We begin by selecting the “Restake Your Tokens” option, where we will select “Lido Staked Ether”.

EigenLayer offers a range of different LST restaking options

This will take us to a page where we can choose how much stETH we would like to put into EigenLayer… and confirm the tx.

Step 3:

Congratulations! You have restaked your LST and your dashboard should now look a little something like this . . .

Updated dashboard

Step 4: Delegate your stake

You will also notice that your dashboard has a “delegate” option that will take you to a list of available node operators that are validating on various AVSs.

Among these node operators is Cosmostation, which can be easily found in the search tab.

By delegating to Cosmostation you are one the first restakers, securing new AVSs.

Upon entering the Cosmostation page you will see the total delegated assets, as well as the AVSs being served, and the option to delegate.

Delegating EigenLayer restaked stETH to Cosmostation

To delegate to Cosmostation, you simply need to click on the “Delegate” button.

Be sure to verify that the contract address listed on the node operator page matches that of the node operator.

For Cosmostation this is: 0x3303fDA11d6bAfe0833D6a6c44c2b8EdBab92E4d

If it all checks out, confirm the delegation and you have officially delegated your restaked stETH to Cosmostation, where it will be used to secure AVSs.

Please note that when you choose to delegate to a node operator… all the restaked ETH will be delegated. (As of the time of writing, there is no option to delegate only a certain amount).

Things to note:


In the event that you would like to undelegate your restaked ETH… this can be done on the node operator page as seen below.

Much like with delegation… when you choose to undelegate, this will apply to the entire amount of delegated restaked ETH (as of the time of writing).

Please note that when you undelegate your restaked ETH will enter a “Pending Withdraw” status that may take up to 7 days to complete.

Restaked ETH “Pending Withdraw” after undelegation

During that time you will not accrue any AVS rewards, nor will you be able to redelegate to other node operators.

Cosmostation in Ethereum

Cosmostation empowers blockchain businesses by providing secure solutions and invaluable infrastructure legos essential for scaling and onboarding users onto blockchain networks. Securing blockchain networks requires continuous operational oversight and since 2018, Cosmostation has been providing a suite of robust solutions that enables businesses to contribute to blockchain network security and visibility without the overhead of managing infrastructure.

Since its inception Cosmostation has served over 500,000 users and has US$ 1.5 bil. in AUM, across 70+ chains. This is alongside its proud role as an Ethereum operator and Cosmos genesis validator, with 99% of uptime and no slashing events. Cosmostation’s experience in the Ethereum arena includes working with EtherFi, Obol, SSV, and the Lido DVT Module.

With this in mind, consider delegating your restaked ETH to one of the most trusted node operators in the space right here!



Moreover, Cosmostation offers its own blockchain explorer, Mintscan. It provides insightful interactions with chain data across various networks and also features a user-centric design, with transparency placed at the core of its ethos.

