How to Claim pSTAKE Airdrop — A Complete Guide

Mikey JH Lee
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2021

How to claim your pStake airdrop: a thorough walkthrough by Cosmostation

With the announcement of launching $pSTAKE, the governance token of pSTAKE, 6% of the total genesis supply are being given out as airdrop on In this article, Cosmostation will walk you through the airdrop, explaining the claim process step by step with matching screenshots.

Who gets the airdrop?

First of all, the $pSTAKE(ERC-20) airdrops will be distributed to significant contributors of pSTAKE ecosystem such as: Cosmos ATOM & Persistence XPRT holders/stakers, early users of pSTAKE, users of other significant DeFi protocols, and stakedrop participants.

If you are a holder/staker of $ATOM or $XPRT, you must have held your tokens at the time of screenshot, 12PM UTC, Thursday, 2nd September, 2021, to be able to claim for the airdrop tokens. Before you apply for the airdrop token, you must first check if your wallet is eligible for the airdrop on the official website. In order to find out the eligibility of your wallet, follow the steps below.

Checking for Eligibility

  1. Go to

2. Select the chain of your eligible wallet: Cosmos or Persistence

3. Enter your wallet address and click on “Verify Wallet”

4. If your wallet is eligible for the airdrop, you will be required to set your Ethereum wallet address for the $pSTAKE tokens.

5. Once the claim has been submitted, you can check your Ethereum address on “Claim Address”. You can re-do the steps to change your Ethereum address.

6. If your wallet is not eligible, you cannot claim the airdrop rewards.

How to Apply as an $ATOM Holder

  1. Go to your Cosmos $ATOM wallet on Cosmostation mobile wallet, then press “SEND”. (If you don’t have Cosmostation wallet yet, download it now on iTunes or Google Play.)

2. Insert the Magic Transaction Address in the recipient address: “cosmos1g0d0fkjvgt6kuvjqgu2h2fdq866lqzs38q3kx9”

3. Type “0.000001” in the amount, then click “Next”.

4. In the memo, insert your Ethereum address which will be receiving the airdropped $pSTAKE tokens. (NOTE: Insert your PERSONAL Ethereum address such as Metamask, not an exchange address. We do not guarantee the safety of Metamask. Ethereum address starts with “0x…” . NEVER INSERT AN EXCHANGE ADDRESS)

5. Set the transaction fee then click “Next”

6. Double-check your Send Amount, Recipient Address and Memo(your ETH address).

How to Apply as an $XPRT Holder

The overall process is similar to $ATOM holder’s application. Be aware that the recipient address is not the same.

  1. Go to your Persistence $XPRT wallet on Cosmostation mobile wallet, then press “SEND”. (If you don’t have Cosmostation wallet yet, download it now on iTunes or Google Play.)

2. Insert the Magic Transaction Address in the recipient address: “persistence1st8zvkgdl2vdha97crkxrhefk7w8ldq4dsr486”

3. Type “0.000001” in the amount, then click “Next”.

4. In the memo, insert your Ethereum address which will be receiving the airdropped $pSTAKE tokens. (NOTE: Insert your PERSONAL Ethereum address such as Metamask, not an exchange address. We do not guarantee the safety of Metamask. Ethereum address starts with “0x…” . NEVER INSERT AN EXCHANGE ADDRESS)

5. Set the transaction fee.

6. Double-check your Send Amount, Recipient Address and Memo(your ETH address).


The exact date of $pSTAKE airdrop distribution has not been announced yet. Please stay tuned for further announcement from pStake.

Cosmostation wallet can be used for the application for the airdrop, however it is not suitable for the pStake protocol.

If you have any questions related to pSTAKE, please contact the pSTAKE team via medium shown on pSTAKE’s official website.


$ATOM & $XPRT holders can use Cosmostation wallet to claim their $pSTAKE airdrop tokens. If you wish to look into more details about token economy and the allocation, please read the article published by Persistence.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation is an enterprise-level validator node infrastructure & end-user application provider based in Seoul, South Korea. Cosmostation runs validator nodes across several networks, specifically focused on networks built with PoS(Proof of Stake) consensus. Along with node operation, Cosmostation develops and maintains Mintscan Block Explorer and Cosmostation iOS, Android, Web Wallets to support in-depth features for modules specific to each network.

Cosmostation Validator Node is a top tier, enterprise-level network-securing validator node for PoS(Proof of Stake) & Tendermint based blockchains. Stake with us to earn passive income with security.

Mintscan Block Explorer: a block explorer proudly represented to exchanges & everyday users, made with sophistication.

Cosmostation Mobile Wallet is a non-custodial application, chosen by the majority of users within the Tendermint ecosystem. Download your app from these links: iOS & Android

Cosmostation Web Wallet: web wallet with Ledger hardware wallet integration.

Keystation Extension: End-to-end encrypted key management system for networks built with Tendermint. Open source, no installation, no hardware required.

Android Wallet: Android — Google Play Store
iOS Wallet: iOS — iTunes App Store
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