How to Derive(Add) & Manage Wallets

This article aims to kindly walk you through deriving(adding) wallets from mnemonic phrases & managing them.

3 min readSep 7, 2022


Mnemonic Phrase vs Private Key

There are 50+ wallets manageable in Cosmostation mobile wallet. Sometimes, more than 1 wallet per network can be derived from a HD path ending with the same number. It happens when Cosmostation wallet supports legacy HD paths previously used by the network foundation.

For example, Cosmostation supports two KAVA wallets with different HD paths — 44'/118'/0'/0/n and 44'/459'/0'/0/n. The 459' path is the current path used by the KAVA foundation, whereas 118' path is the legacy path previously used by them. Because there are some users who created KAVA wallets in the past when they had used 118' path, Cosmostation is still supporting the 118' path KAVA wallet for them.

A set of mnemonic phrases contain all the possible combinations of HD paths, but a private key is tied to a single HD path. Had we supported wallets based on private key, our users would not have been able to derive (add) the new wallet with 459' HD path chosen by the Kava foundation. Being extensive, mnemonic phrase based wallet derivation is more suitable than that of private key for the modern crypto space where interoperability matters. That’s why Cosmostation adds wallets from the “Manage Mnemonic” menu.

Derive (Add) Wallets

7 Steps to Deriving (Adding) Wallets

➡️ “Manage Mnemonic”
➡️ Select/Import/Create Mnemonic
➡️ Select HD path
➡️ Select the Wallets
➡️ “Derive Wallets”

Manage Wallet

In the “Manage Wallet” menu are all the wallets derived sorted by chains. Users can select a wallet to see info or select “Edit” to manage chains to display.

Wallet Detail

Selecting a wallet directs a user to “Wallet Detail” page where the wallet’s address, chain, import date, source, mnemonic name, HD path, and reward recipient address are displayed.

Users can also check the private key & mnemonic or delete the wallet.

Manage Chain

3 things can be done here:
1. Hide a chain (-)
2. Display a chain (+)
3. Adjust (⇋) positions by dragging

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation provides a purely streamlined access to the interchain through developing a suite of user-friendly applications for partner networks we help secure as an industry-leading validator node operator and investor. Our interchain products ranging from Mintscan Block Explorer, Cosmostation Mobile Wallet(iOS, Android), Cosmostation Web Wallet, Cosmostation Extension, to serve as both a powerful set of tools for protocols/exchanges to onboard users and for developers/validators to efficiently navigate networks.


Mintscan | Extension | Android | iOS | Web Wallet | Spacestation Bridge

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