IBC Relayer Detail on Mintscan Explorer

Mikey JH Lee
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2021

Cosmostation introduces a brand new feature on Mintscan: IBC Relayer Detail


Mintscan is one of users’ mostly chosen block explorers in the Cosmos ecosystem that has been continuously improved & developed by the Cosmostation team. With the recent explosive expansion of the IBC(Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol) gang, the role IBC relayers play has grown into an undeniable significance. As a Cosmos ecosystem explorer, we thought that it is essential for Mintscan to show the status of IBC connections. After a series of testings and reviews, Cosmostation is thrilled to finally introduce you a brand new feature on Mintscan: IBC Relayer Detail page!


Check out Cosmostation’s recent official tweet about the release of Relayer Detail & visit Mintscan to explore around!


Mintscan — Your friendly Neighborhood Explorer

Mintscan is a user-friendly block explorer specifically built for PoS blockchain networks, including a number of sovereign blockchains designed with Tendermint consensus engine such as Cosmos, Osmosis, Junø, Persistence, and many more. You can find almost all the data you need during your cosmic journey including the on-chain transactions, the list of validators, proposals, blocks etc.

For those of you who haven’t experienced Mintscan before, do so now!


IBC? Relayers?

Before we jump into the Relayer Detail page, let’s take a quick look at the concept of IBC and relayers. Simply put, Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol, IBC, is the bridge that connects blockchains so that networks can interoperate with each other, and this is why Cosmos network is called the “Internet of Blockchains”. When a blockchain is communicating(for instance, sending a token) with another sovereign IBC gang member, it is necessary for IBC relayers to process the token transfer. So without the hard work of relayers, there won’t be IBC! Huge gratitudes to the relayers, you’re the real heroes.

Above is an overly simplified version of the concept of IBC, so for a more detailed explanation, visit the Cosmos network official website and find out how IBC was sophisticatedly designed:


Mintscan Relayer Detail

As mentioned above, we need relayers for IBC. Since IBC is the key to the ecosystem’s interoperability, we thought that it is absolutely essential to give users a viewfinder that shows the current status of IBC channels and the relayers. To start off, we first added the “IBC Relayers” tab that shows all the IBC-connected chains of a network and the list of relayers each connected blockchains has. When you click on the connected blockchains, you can see the period of time relayers have been operating, the number of IBC transactions processed, and the value of txs shown in US dollars. Be noted that the green colored ones are the most active channels for the IBC transfer.

Cosmos blockchain’s IBC-connected chains & the list of relayers between Cosmos<>Osmosis

The IBC Relayers tab has been up for some time, and now is the time we go deeper. Click on the relayer you wish to know more about, and Mintscan will give you a comprehensive dashboard of the relayer. As you can see from the attached screenshots below, the Relayer Detail page contains such visualized sets of information as the total/weekly transfer value, the number of txs sent/received, current status of pending IBC transactions and many more. Feel free to explore around different networks and their IBC relayers!

Screenshot of IBC Relayer Detail page of a Cosmos<>Osmosis relayer
IBC Relayer Detail


The IBC gang will only keep expanding faster and faster, and the demand for a healthy group of relayers will increase even more. Throughout the whole evolution cycle of IBC, Relayer Detail page will play a huge role in supporting the relayers and ecosystem participants. Visit Mintscan now to find out the Relayer Detail for yourselves!

Next Milestone for Mintscan

Mintscan will continue to support our partners, communities and the ecosystem by all means: including constantly updating the IBC Relayer Detail with various new data points, integrating wallet on the explorer as a browser extension and supporting unique features of app-specific blockchains. Stay tuned with the Station for more exciting updates, there will be even greater news next year! Thank you!

Cosmostation Validator Node is a top tier, enterprise-level network-securing validator node for PoS(Proof of Stake) & Tendermint based blockchains. Stake with us to earn passive income with security.

Mintscan Block Explorer: a block explorer proudly represented to exchanges & everyday users, made with sophistication.

Cosmostation Mobile Wallet is a non-custodial application, chosen by the majority of users within the @tendermint ecosystem. Download your app from these links: iOS & Android

Cosmostation Web Wallet: web wallet with Ledger hardware wallet integration.

Keystation Extension: End-to-end encrypted key management system for networks built with Tendermint. Open source, no installation, no hardware required.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation is an enterprise-level validator node infrastructure & end-user application provider based in Seoul, South Korea. Cosmostation runs validator nodes across several networks, specifically focused on networks built with PoS(Proof of Stake) consensus. Along with node operation, Cosmostation develops and maintains Mintscan Block Explorer and Cosmostation iOS, Android, Web Wallets to support in-depth features for modules specific to each network.

Website: https://www.cosmostation.io/
Github: https://github.com/cosmostation
Android Wallet: Android — Google Play Store
iOS Wallet: iOS — iTunes App Store
Block Explorer: https://www.mintscan.io/
Medium: https://medium.com/cosmostation/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CosmostationVD
Telegram: https://t.me/cosmostation

