IBC Send on Cosmostation Wallet

Cosmostation extension wallet and mobile wallet both support IBC send feature. They are the best wallets to make IBC transfers, making IBC transfers as simple as in-chain token sends.

3 min readNov 24, 2022


DO NOT IBC send to centralized exchanges like Binance & Coinbase. Memos cannot be delivered to the recipients.

What is IBC Send?

Cosmostation wallet’s twitter handle is @IBCwallet. #IBCgang tag refers to everyone connected via IBC. IBC is an abbreviated name for “Inter Blockchain Communication”. Here’s how Cosmos official doc explains IBC:

The Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol (IBC) is an end-to-end, connection-oriented, stateful protocol for reliable, ordered, and authenticated communication between heterogeneous blockchains arranged in an unknown and dynamic topology.

IBC is a protocol that allows blockchains to talk to each other.

There are more than 50 blockchains made out of Cosmos SDK. All of them are sovereign chains with autonomous system. Thanks to IBC SDK, they can still interact with each other seamlessly without compromising their security and sovereignty.

IBC send refers to sending tokens to another blockchain. The concept is very similar to a bridge, but the mechanism behind it is different. The IBC protocol provides a permissionless way for relaying data packets between blockchains, unlike most trusted bridging technologies. The security of IBC reduces to the security of the participating chains. (Source: Cosmos developer portal) In other words, the main difference between a bridge and IBC is that data packet transfers are done on-chain by IBC relayers in IBC, whereas bridges have to rely on centralized off-chain entities for data transfers. Such difference makes IBC much more secure and faster than bridges.

IBC Send on Cosmostation Mobile Wallet

When a user wants to perform IBC send, he just has to change the recipient chain to whichever chain he wants his token to be sent. It’s as simple as that. There’s no need to register or select IBC channels. Cosmostation wallet sets them up for the users. After selecting the recipient chain, the rest is the same with a regular token send process.

IBC Send on Cosmostation Extension Wallet

IBC send on Cosmostation extension wallet is also very simple like how it is on the mobile wallet — Toggle IBC Send, select the recipient chain, input the recipient address, then send.

Send & IBC Send

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation has been a web3 infrastructure team contributing to more than 50 protocols since 2018. Our suite of products include Mintscan block explorer, Cosmostation non-custodial crypto wallet, and node validator service. At Cosmostation, we bootstrap networks and onboard end-users.


Mintscan | Extension | Android | iOS | Web Wallet | Spacestation Bridge

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