Interchain Dashboard & Analytics on Mintscan Explorer

Jay Lee | Cosmostation
Published in
5 min readMay 11, 2022

Cosmostation introduces a new Interchain Dashboard and Analytics on


Mintscan is a product developed & improved by the Cosmostation team and it is one of the beloved block explorers in the Cosmos ecosystem. As the Cosmos Ecosystem grows, number of IBC connection is growing at a rapid speed.

As one of the beloved Cosmos ecosystem block explorer, we thought that it would be necessary to display IBC connections and transactions in a more visual appealing way. So, after series of multiple testing and internal discussion, Cosmostation is thrilled to introduce you a new interchain dashboard that would amaze the community.

Cosmostation is a leading PoS validator that operates more than 40+ PoS networks. We also provide non-custodial mobile/web/extension wallets and mintscan block explorer to contribute to the ecosystem. Please visit to see which chains Cosmostation validator is currently participating as a validator.

What is mintscan?

Mintscan is a user-friendly block explorer specifically built for PoS blockchain networks, including a number of sovereign blockchains designed with Tendermint consensus engine such as Cosmos Network, Osmosis Labs, Junø, Persistence. You can find almost all the data you need in the cosmos ecosystem including on-chain transactions, list of validators, proposals and block information, etc.

For those who still haven’t checked out the mintscan yet, please check out the link below.

What is IBC ?

IBC is an abbreviation of Inter-Blockchain Communication(BC) and this allows different sovereign blockchains to communicate to each other. It is designed as a form of a module and helps to transport coins across different sovereign blockchains.

If you want to know more in-depth about what IBC is, please click the link below

This is the new page that everyone is going to be in when you come to It displays how much IBC transactions that are going in and out of the chains ordered by the number of transactions.

When a chain is selected, it will display information like Total send/receive transaction, connections, and transaction history that has been processed within the chain.

In order to view all the IBC connection from the specific chain to the other chain, click ‘Show all Sends’. Then it will display all the chains that has outbound connections from the chain you clicked. Since the list is sorted by the number of transactions processed within a month, users can know which chain has the most active transaction from the chain.

If we go one step further by clicking any chain connection, then it will display Relayer connection status. It displays send/receive connections with the specific relayer and its transaction and volume history. By looking at this data, you can see the stability of the relayer channel.

And all the detailed information about the inbound IBC Connection to the specific chain is available. Click on ‘Show All Receives’ to view all the inbound IBC connection, relayer status and Transaction & Volume History.



If you click on ‘Ecosystem’ tab on top left of the, it will lead users to the ecosystem page. This page helps users to view chain and validator properties including voting power and ratio of total staked amount.

On the top right side, you can choose options between ‘Chains’ and ‘Validators’. When you click chains, you can see all the chains and its staked amount.

When a chain is clicked, then it will display important chain specific properties such as price, inflation, unbonding time. Also, it will display rank of validators by the voting power.

And if you click the validator on the rank, it will display validator properties like list of chains that the selected validator is participating as a validator.


If you select validators on the tab, it will display the validator rank based on the staked amount. This shows all the aggregated staked amount on all the cosmos-based chains.

Next Milestone

As always, mintscan will continue to support our partners, communities, and the ecosystem by all means. Our goal is to provide analytical tools so that users are able to use the tool to analyze on-chain activity.

Cosmostation Validator Node is a top tier, enterprise-level network-securing validator node for PoS(Proof of Stake) & Tendermint based blockchains. Stake with us to earn passive income with security.

Mintscan Block Explorer: a block explorer proudly represented to exchanges & everyday users, made with sophistication.

Cosmostation Mobile Wallet is a non-custodial application, chosen by the majority of users within the @tendermint ecosystem. Download your app from these links: iOS & Android

Cosmostation Web Wallet: web wallet with Ledger hardware wallet integration.

Cosmostation Wallet Extension: Non-custodial multi-chain extension wallet powered by Cosmostation. With Cosmostation, create personal crypto wallets, safely sign on-chain transactions locally and manage multiple types of crypto assets on a number of supported blockchains.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation is an enterprise-level validator node infrastructure & end-user application provider based in Seoul, South Korea. Cosmostation runs validator nodes across several networks, specifically focused on networks built with PoS(Proof of Stake) consensus. Along with node operation, Cosmostation develops and maintains Mintscan Block Explorer and Cosmostation iOS, Android, Web Wallets to support in-depth features for modules specific to each network.

Android Wallet: Android — Google Play Store
iOS Wallet: iOS — iTunes App Store
Block Explorer:
Cosmostation Wallet Extension: Extension-Google Web Store

