Kavascan — the Kava Chain EVM Explorer Built by the Mintscan Team

The Mintscan team releases an EVM-focused block explorer for the Kava Chain.

6 min readFeb 10, 2024



Interoperability + Developer Power

Kava Chain is a decentralized blockchain that combines the speed and interoperability of Cosmos with the developer power of Ethereum. Kava Chain users can track all the on-chain activities happening on the network on Mintscan. Because the Kava Network has both Cosmos-SDK and EVM layer, it kills two birds with one stone. It can build both Cosmos based transactions like delegating $KAVA to a validator and EVM based transactions like depositing $USDT to a Curve pool contract.

Kava Chain on Mintscan

Kava Chain validators on Mintscan

Mintscan supports Kava Chain with a complete suite of features. Kava Chain users can view all the validators, onchain governance proposals, blocks, transactions, IBC relayers, EVM contracts, assets, accounts, DeFi projects, and the chain’s parameters in detail on mintscan.io/kava. These are unique onchain data native to all the Cosmos- SDK based chains well-represented on Mintscan, the Interchain Portal. There is no other explorer out there that can index, store, and present the Cosmos-SDK based transactions as Mintscan does.

The EVM Dominance

source: mintscan.io

As Kava Chain uses the EVM(Ethereum Virtual Machine) environment as its execution layer(thanks to the modular nature of the Cosmos-SDK), about 83% of Kava’s onchain activities are happening on its EVM layer. This is not a surprise because more than 100 EVM-based dApps are already deployed on Kava Chain. The examples of dApps operating on the network include but are not limited to Curve Finance, Stargate, Sushi Swap, Beefy Finance, and Abracadabra. Such background has led both Kava and Mintscan teams to collaborate on developing a robust EVM-focused explorer for the Kava Network.

So How’s the New Kavascan Going to Be?

The new Kavascan offers everything an EVM explorer should have, starting from basic features like transactions, blocks, and contracts to special features like contract verification, NFTs, future blocks, contract internal transactions, and contract writing. Among these features, NFTs and future blocks are completely new features that were not available in the previous version of Kavascan.


NFT usages are not limited to collectibles anymore. NFTs are being used in diverse protocols to serve different purposes. Many prominent defi protocols now use NFTs to represent a liquidity provider’s position that he/she holds. For example, Kinetix and Wagmi mint ERC-721 tokens when a LP position is added on their exchanges.

The new Kavascan users can now find their LP position NFT holdings under the token holdings drop-down menu on their account details page. In addition, transaction details pages display transfers of ERC-721 tokens(NFTS) as well. This includes both minting and transferring.

NFTs in an account
ERC721 Minting tx

Future Blocks

Guess when Kava Chain is going to reach the 10 millionth block. It’s going to be Tuesday, May 28th, 2024, 01:05:08 UTC according to the new Kavascan! Why is this important? Often, the network goes through a software upgrade at a certain block height, and the blockchain stops during the upgrade. If you can acknowledge the upgrade time in advance, you’ll be able to avoid making important transactions around the time of the upgrade.

Contract Internal Transactions

Contract internal transactions are transactions that occur within a smart contract. They are triggered by the execution of the contract’s code, rather than by direct user input. These transactions are not recorded on the blockchain as individual transactions but are the result of executing a smart contract that’s part of a transaction that is on the blockchain. They’re crucial for various operations within the contract, like transferring tokens or interacting with other contracts.

The new Kavascan users can access the internal transactions section from a transaction details page by clicking the “Internal Txns” button on the top.


The new Kavascan shows a list of verified top ERC-20 contract tokens. It is accessible from the top right corner under the “Tokens” menu. Note that this list includes ERC-20 contract tokens only — Cosmos native coins like $KAVA and IBC tokens are excluded from this list.

Users can click a token to see its details including transfer transactions involving the token, a list of the token holders, and the contract information.

WKAVA token holders list

The holders are sorted by the amount of their holdings. It can be used as a nice indicator of the level of decentralization of a token contract.

WKAVA contract details

The ‘Contract’ tab can be found next to the ‘Holders’ tab. Within the tab are contract verification information, contract source code, and contract read & write function. The above example in the image is contract verification information for the WKAVA contract. You can see that the contract is composed by Kava Labs, LLC as a wrapped ERC20 version of KAVA.

In the ‘Write Contract’ tab, users can connect their wallets and interact with the contract. The range of possible interactions with a contract is different for each contract. WKAVA only supports 6 functions, but some contracts can support more than 10 functions.

Transaction Details

tx detail on the new Kavascan
EVM tx detail on Mintscan

The two screenshots above are transaction details pages from Kavascan and Mintscan. As you can see, the details on Kavascan are more concise than they are on Mintscan. Mintscan’s transaction detail contains comprehensive data such as the sender’s Kava Cosmos chain address, transaction type, and memo. However, they are not necessarily crucial data in the EVM execution layer. The new Kavascan by Mintscan takes out all the extra data and focuses on the EVM address, the EVM contract interacted with, and labeling contracts involved in a transaction. But don’t forget that you can always see more on Mintscan by clicking ‘Mintscan’ on the transaction details page.

Zooming Out

The launch of Kavascan marks the beginning of the Mintscan team’s voyage into the world of EVM. Mintscan has been the Interchain Portal for all. The Interchain ecosystem is embracing the EVM ecosystem, starting with prominent Cosmos—Ethereum co-chains like the Kava Network. The Mintscan team plans to extend our service to the EVM space with our expertise in onchain data indexing and visualization. Mintscan is building the second-generation block explorer for the next wave of crypto adoption.

About Cosmostation & Mintscan

Cosmostation is a Kava genesis validator and a key player in the Cosmos ecosystem, providing invaluable infrastructure legos essential for scaling and onboarding users onto blockchain networks. Through Mintscan, Cosmostation continues to drive the ethos of transparency and user-centric design, fostering a more insightful interaction with blockchain data across various networks. At Cosmostation, we bootstrap networks and onboard end-users.


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