Mintscan 2.0 #BuildMintscanTogether Campaign

Mintscan is looking for industry leaders to join us on the #BuildMintscanTogether campaign before the official Mintscan 2.0 launch in July.

3 min readMay 17, 2023



Active community engagement has always been a major driving force behind the Cosmos ecosystem. As a firm believer of the Interchain community, Mintscan is asking industry leaders to join us in building Mintscan together through this campaign.

Mintscan 2.0 will be a huge upgrade with many new features aimed to fulfill the needs of various interest groups such as foundations, validators, builders, traders, exchanges, institutions, researchers, and last but not least retail users. In an effort to accommodate all group of users we are reaching out for suggestions from our diverse group of users before releasing the product to the public. Through this campaign, we are hoping to understand our users better and increase the usability of Mintscan 2.0.

During the course of the campaign, participants will be provided with access to the beta version of Mintscan 2.0. On the new Mintscan, you will be able to explore all new features of Mintscan like onchain governance analytics tools, validator scores, and transaction trends. After playing around with it for 2 weeks, you can submit your thoughts and suggestions on the new Mintscan. Mintscan team will carefully read the submissions and reflect them on Mintscan 2.0 before the official launch in July. In addition to reflecting the feedbacks on Mintscan 2.0, Mintscan will create a dedicated ‘contributions’ page on Minstcan to highlight the notable ideas provided by the contributors.

#BuildMintscanTogether Participants Can…

  1. Be the first to explore Mintscan 2.0
  2. Send feedbacks to the Mintscan team
  3. Share Mintscan 2.0 related contents with the community before the official launch
  4. Get honorable mentions on ‘Contributions’ page for building Mintscan together

*A private url to access Mintscan 2.0 will be shared with the participants along with a feedback submission channel.

How to Join:

We are Looking for Participations from…

  • Blockchain Foundations
  • Validators
  • dApp Builders
  • Exchanges
  • Research Firms
  • Investment Institutions
  • Key Opinion Leaders
  • Heavy Users

If you think you fall into one of the 8 group of users listed above, please join the campaign as an active participant by submitting this form:

*Due to the capacity issue, we may have to limit the number of active participants.

Timeline of #BuildMintscanTogether

Registration : May 17th ~ 30th

Campaign Start Announcement : May 31st

#BuildMintscanTogether : May 31st ~ June 13th

Feedback Review : June 14th ~ July 20th

Mintscan 2.0 Official Launch : July 21st @OSMOCON

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation has been a web3 infrastructure team contributing to more than 50 protocols since 2018. Our suite of products include Mintscan block explorer, Cosmostation non-custodial crypto wallet, and node validator service. At Cosmostation, we bootstrap networks and onboard end-users.


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