Response to Cosmostation iOS app Mnemonic Phrase Import Issue

Mikey JH Lee
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2021


First of all, Cosmostation thanks for the patience. There has been an iOS app mnemonic phrase import issue on the last update for a few users due to the non-match of the library and the address. It has been identified that BitcoinKit Library v1.0.2 caused very few accounts generated on the Cosmostation iOS app to have compatibility issues. We are happy to announce that through detailed post mortem and thorough workaround, our development team has figured out a complete, secure way to recover access to your original accounts.

If you want to check if your wallet has ben affected by the update, read the linked article & follow the steps described:


Before we begin, we would like to emphasize it is very important to always back up your mnemonic phrases safely, and there is no way to restore it if it’s lost. Furthermore, the “Engineer Mode”, which is the tool we created to regain access to your original account, will no longer be supported in 2 months, therefore be sure to move your assets to an issue-free address before the end of service support.

To re-enable the transaction function of issue-affected addresses, we implemented the “Engineer Mode” feature on Cosmostation iOS app. With this mode engaged, you will be able to recover your assets by sending your assets from the affected address to an issue-free address. In short, in order to regain access to your assets, you will have to create a new, library-matching address, then use “Engineer Mode” to migrate your assets from the original address to the newly created address.

As mentioned above, back up your mnemonic phrase. Secondly, be sure to migrate your assets into the new address. The Engineer Mode is only a temporary solution for current specific library issue, therefore it will not be available after 2 months, after all users’ issues are solved.


Cosmostation team has sent out emails including the recovery process and the password for Engineer Mode towards all issue-reported users. Please be noted: the recovery manual will only be sent to users with import issue via our official email only. Please send an email to if you have any trouble during process.

If your address has the issue and you have not yet reported to us, please send your report email first, according to the guideline given in our previous Medium post, <Notice — Cosmostation iOS app mnemonic phrase import issue>. We will then send you the email with the instructions.

Thank you again for your patience.

Cosmostation is an enterprise-level validator node infrastructure & end-user application provider based in Seoul, South Korea. Cosmostation runs validator nodes across several networks, specifically focused on networks built with Tendermint & Cosmos SDK. Along with node operation, Cosmostation develops and maintains Mintscan Block Explorer for Tendermint-powered networks and Cosmostation iOS, Android, Web Wallets to support in-depth features for modules specific to each network.

Android Wallet: Android — Google Play Store
iOS Wallet: iOS — iTunes App Store
Block Explorer:

