Seamless Cosmos-EVM Blockchain Explorer, Mintscan Canto Explorer

Mintscan is the only block explorer to seamlessly display both the Cosmos and EVM block data at the same time.

4 min readMar 8, 2023


About Canto

Canto is a public infrastructure focused blockchain that is offering a new approach to DeFi. Its Layer 1 architecture is designed to fulfill the promise of DeFi by providing new financial systems that are transparent, accessible, decentralized, and free. Canto was created by a team of chain-native builders who came together to develop a new public infrastructure accessible to all.

Coexistence of Cosmos and ERC Assets

Canto is a Tendermint based blockchain with Ethermint module which allows it to run EVM smart contracts on its execution layer. Such characteristic allows it to have both the Cosmos type & EVM type assets at the same time. Below are the three types of Canto assets indexed and shown on Mintscan:

Staking Coin

$CANTO is the native staking coin of Canto network. Users stake $CANTO with Canto Validators like Cosmostation to contribute to Canto network security and earn staking rewards. It’s also used as gas fee on the network.

ERC20 Token

Most of the tokens on Canto network are in the form of ERC20 because Canto’s EVM execution layer can only interact with EVM assets. Some tokens are born ERC20, while some are wrapped representations of Cosmos based tokens.

$NOTE is ERC20 type token on Canto network created from a EVM smart contract. It does not have a Cosmos type counterpart.

$USDC is an ERC20 token wrapped to Canto’s EVM layer from its Cosmos type counterparts in order to utilize them in the execution layer. $USDC is a wrapped representation of the Cosmos type IBC token $gUSDC from Gravity Bridge.

Notice that there’s a “Wrapped Tokens” column on the assets page? The number of wrapped $gUSDC matches with the number of $USDC’s total supply.

IBC Token

$gUSDC is one of the IBC transferred tokens from Gravity Bridge chain. IBC tokens are still Cosmos type tokens that cannot be interacted with Canto’s EVM execution layer smart contracts. So assets like $gUSDC and $ATOM can enter Canto network via IBC protocol, but they need to be wrapped to ERC20 tokens in order to be fully utilized on Canto.

For more information about IBC, please refer to our previous article about IBC send.

Mintscan as the Cosmos-EVM Explorer

Mintscan has always been the go-to platform for all the Cosmos chains when it comes to blockchain data. From validator details and to governance proposals, Mintscan offers the most user-friendly interface for all the blockchain communities based on Cosmos. Looking at its record, Mintscan provides block explorer service for 50+ Cosmos networks — that is more than any other block explorer services out there.

With the emergence of Cosmos based blockchains with Ethermint module, enabling EVM execution layer on top of Tendermint consensus, Mintscan has expanded its area of coverage to the EVM environment. Mintscan does not only clearly classify assets by their types, but also display EVM contract data and transactions concisely. There’s no other block explorer that can index both Cosmos and EVM blockchain data seamlessly like Mintscan.

EVM Contract Data

Mintscan Canto block explorer also provides EVM contract data and EVM transactions. For more information about the EVM contracts, please refer to this previous article.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation has been a web3 infrastructure team contributing to more than 50 protocols since 2018. Our suite of products include Mintscan block explorer, Cosmostation non-custodial crypto wallet, and node validator service. At Cosmostation, we bootstrap networks and onboard end-users.


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