The Celestia Explorer, Mintscan

The first modular blockchain network is now supported on Mintscan, powered by Cosmostation.

3 min readNov 1, 2023


Mintscan now supports Celestia mainnet as its standard block explorer, facilitating easier navigation and insight into the network’s transactions and activities. This integration fosters better understanding and accessibility, contributing to the ongoing growth and visibility of the Celestia’s modular blockchain ecosystem.

Celestia: The First Modular Blockchain Network

Modular blockchains represent a fresh approach to blockchain architecture. Instead of having a single blockchain that tries to do it all, modular blockchains are designed with a specific function in mind. This focused approach offers significant improvements in terms of scalability, adaptability, and cross-chain communication. To establish the modular blockchain ecosystem, Celestia leverages data availability and rollups.

Data Availability

In traditional monolithic blockchains, users typically need to download the entire dataset to validate its authenticity. But as these blocks expand in size, it becomes increasingly challenging for average users to download and verify the entire chain. Enter modular blockchains: they address this hurdle by introducing a technique known as data availability sampling. This technology empowers users to authenticate massive blocks without the need to download all the data, offering a more practical and user-friendly approach.


Rollups are an innovative form of blockchain technology that offload a portion of their processing to a primary layer such as Celestia. The basic concept is that rollups send their transaction details to Celestia, where the data is sequenced and made accessible for rollup participants to retrieve. Additionally, rollups benefit from an enhancement in security by tapping into Celestia’s protective measures. However, rollups utilizing Celestia are distinctive compared to typical ones. They offer the ease of deployment seen in layer 2 solutions, yet they also boast the autonomy usually reserved for layer 1 blockchains. This unique combination bestows them with the title of sovereign blockchain rollups, providing them with a unique stance in the blockchain ecosystem.

Celestia on Mintscan

Mintscan is an established block explorer offering a user-friendly UI/UX specialized for Cosmos blockchains. Users can access tailored data across 61 mainnet and 19 tesetnet blockchains. Mintscan’s service includes displaying information about validators, onchain governance, IBC relayers, account details, block consensus state, transactions details, and onchain assets, catering to the Cosmos Interchain ecosystem​.

Celestia incentive spend proposal on Osmosis

The above page is an example of onchain governance visual analytics page available for the networks on Mintscan. On Mintscan, users can see how the validators are participating in the governance, because onchain proposals can be voted on by validators on behalf of the $TIA coin delegators in the Celestia network. Delegators(stakers) still get the final say in the voting decision if they decide to vote.

Choosing the right validator to stake(delegate) $TIA is critical in Cosmos, including the Celestia network. The validators play several crucial roles in the network: securing the network, voting on onchain proposals, and distributing staking rewards to the $TIA stakers. So Mintscan’s validator tab provides all the important data about validators for the $TIA holders.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation is a Celestia genesis validator and a key player in the Cosmos ecosystem, providing invaluable infrastructure legos essential for scaling and onboarding users onto blockchain networks. Through Mintscan, Cosmostation continues to drive the ethos of transparency and user-centric design, fostering a more insightful interaction with blockchain data across various networks. At Cosmostation, we bootstrap networks and onboard end-users.

Stake Celestia with Cosmostation to help secure the Celestia network and get $TIA staking rewards.

