The Interchain Portal for All — Mintscan 2.0

Mintscan 2.0 marks the metamorphosis of a block explorer into the Interchain portal.

5 min readJul 21, 2023



Leveraging the principles of modularity, the Tendermint-based Interchain networks serve as flexible alternatives to rigid, monolithic blockchains like Ethereum. While this flexibility can trade off some stability, it accommodates specific demands of diverse projects. Mintscan, inspired by this unique ecosystem, has been evolving to cater to various protocols, supporting two smart contract execution environments — WASM and EVM — and integrating Interchain Security Consumer Chains that maintain their independent governance systems. These diverse protocol features just cannot be fully encapsulated by a uniform explorer built for a monolithic blockchain. As a result of constant research and development efforts to build the Interchain portal that encompasses all the unique protocols, Mintscan 2.0 have come into existence.

Why 2.0?

Interchain solved the scalability problem faced by early blockchain layer 1s through interoperability. It was not too difficult to switch between the Hub and app chains when there were only a handful of sovereign chains. But that’s not the case anymore. We have more than 60 Interchain protocols individually paving their way through, and the speed of growth is getting faster and faster. With the introduction of Inter-Blockchain Communication, blockchain level interoperability was made possible; however, a seamless user-experience from traders, developers, researchers, institutions, exchanges, and protocols side was not quite there yet because of fragmentation of data across the vast Interchain space.

Seamless User-Experience

Mintscan2.0 is about transformation of Mintscan block explorer into the Interchain portal. Boundaries between chains are not noticeable anymore. Searching and extracting data from any Interchain protocol feel the same now. The entire Interchain activities are now clearly visualized at a glance on Mintscan pages such as ‘IBC Networks’ and ‘Heartbeats’. There’s no need to switch to Mintscan Cosmos page or Mintscan Osmosis page to search transactions on specific blockchain. It’s all done in the universal search bar as if you are navigating through a monolithic blockchain. Imagine a future where there’s a search engine that provides you all the blockchain data you need from a single portal — that’s the direction Mintscan is going.

What Does Mintscan 2.0 Offer?

Conventional block explorers have been fixated on delivering a blockchain’s onchain data itself. Although it’s got a potential, raw data itself is usually not enough to provide an insight. We believe the next generation data platform should not just deliver information. It should be able to shape information into an insight and illuminate the community with that insight. Then involvement and engagement from the community should follow naturally. With this vision, Mintscan 2.0 is focused on fostering diffusion of information, insight, illumination, and involvement.


Accurate and fast blockchain data delivery is the basis of a block explorer. Mintscan has been committed to providing an array of tailored data that suits the needs of Interchain as accurately and swiftly as possible. Mintscan has not only been fast in delivering Interchain data but also more prolific than any other explorer. But that’s the story of Mintscan block explorer.


Mintscan 2.0 is the Interchain portal for all. As the Interchain portal, Mintscan is now providing advanced analytic data to deliver insight for traders, users, devs, protocols, and researchers. All sorts of indexed Interchain onchain data analytics are visualized on Mintscan to support the members of Interchain builders.


Governance proposal detail on Mintscan 2.0

Professional data visualization on Mintscan is built to let users see the state of Interchain at a glance. For instance, the new proposal details page visualizes onchain governance status and results for all the stakeholders to understand them easily. It will upgrade the level of onchain data understanding from general users to the next level, contributing to the mass adoption.


Better understanding of onchain data and applications will lead to more involvement from the general public. Enhanced data analytics visualization will help the users see what’s happening in the ecosystem. Once they understand the context better, it’ll be easy to get involved as active community members. Moreover, Mintscan will let users connect their wallets on Mintscan and take actions such as governance voting as they see the analytics data in front of them.

What’s Next?

Mintscan’s research and development doesn’t stop at Mintscan 2.0. We believe the level of infrastructure reflects the level of a blockchain. After shipping Mintscan 2.0, there will be 3.0, 4.0, and x.0 to follow. Apart from the big roadmap, here are some short term milestones to come — wallet connection, tax reports, dashboards, and Mintscan API service.

Mintscan API service will be available to the public within 3Q, 2023.

🙏 Mintscan2.0 Contributors

Cosmostation team is the core builders behind Mintscan service, but Mintscan 2.0 was built together with many important contributors within the community. Foundations, builders, users, validators, and many industry leaders had contributed their expertise to build Mintscan 2.0 together over the last 2 months. Thanks to all the participants of #BuildMintscanTogether campaign who took their time to make Interchain a better ecosystem.

Mintscan It!

As the Interchain portal for all, it will be the starting point where everyone goes to start searching for onchain data. Mintscan 2.0 is set to redefine the way we interact with the Cosmos Interchain networks.

Mintscan 2.0 is now live.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation has been a web3 infrastructure team contributing to more than 50 protocols since 2018. Our suite of products include Mintscan block explorer, Cosmostation non-custodial crypto wallet, and node validator service. At Cosmostation, we bootstrap networks and onboard end-users.


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