The Mintscan Guide for Finschia Users — How to Stake $FNSA and Search Transactions

Mintscan is the new block explorer and the staking dashboard for Finschia. Here’s a quick guide for the Finschia users onboarding to Mintscan.

4 min readApr 15, 2024


The Finschia Foundation recently announced sunsetting LINE Blockchain Explorer (LBE) and LINE Blockchain Scan (LBS) in their blog. According to the announcement, the two services will discontinue their services by April 15th, 2024. But don’t worry. Mintscan has been supporting Finschia since February with all the necessary features and more — tx search, staking, voting, and NFTs.

What is Mintscan?

Mintscan is the most widely used standard blockchain explorer for blockchains built with Cosmos-SDK tech. And it goes beyond the role of a block explorer by providing staking and voting functionalities with wallet connection. Finschia users can search transactions, stake $FNSA, vote on governance proposals, view accounts, and check onchain portfolios via Mintscan. Mintscan is built by Cosmostation, a Finschia node validadtor, and it’s been the default block explorer for 60+ block explorers since 2019.

Mintscan User Guide

In this guide, we’ll talk through 3 essential features available on Mintscan, starting with connecting Cosmostation Wallet to Mintscan.

Connecting Wallet

Mintscan supports both Cosmostation Wallet and DOSI Vault. In this guide, we’ll demonstrate the process with Cosmostation Wallet. If you don’t have Cosmostation Wallet installed on your computer yet, please follow this video guide or this guide article to install it and create an account. (Make sure to toggle the ‘Finschia’ network on after creating an account.)

Toggle on

After successfully installing the wallet and importing a Finschia account, go to click ‘Wallet’ on the left side bar on Mintscan. Select Cosmostation Wallet or DOSI Vault from the list and confirm the access request like the image below.

Once the wallet is connected to Mintscan, you’ll be automatically redirected to the portfolio page where you can see all your asset holdings over 62 networks supported on Mintscan.


You can stake any coin supported on Mintscan from Mintscan Wallet’s ‘Stake’ tab.

(1) Go to the staking page by clicking ‘Stake’ under the Wallet menu from the left side bar.

(2) Choose Finschia network from the list of supported networks by clicking the network box on the top.

(3) Select a validator to delegate your $FNSA token.

(4) Enter the amount of $FNSA you’d like to stake.

(5) Hit ‘Stake’ button on the bottom to execute.

A pop-up window will appear from the wallet to confirm the transaction.

After the transaction is done, you’ll see your staked amount and the amount of rewards accumulated in the ‘My Staking’ box on the right. You can claim your $FNSA staking rewards any time by clicking ‘Claim Finschia’ or ‘Claim All’ button on the top right corner.

Transaction Searching

Mintscan is integrated with 60+ sovereign blockchain networks, but searching transactions on Mintscan is very simple. There are two ways to search for a transaction record on Mintscan.

(1) Search from the universal search bar

The Mintscan universal search bar can be accessed from the top right corner of any page on Mintscan. Click the magnifying glass icon to open the search bar. You can search anything from this search bar to find anything on Mintscan — transaction hash, chain, account address, and validator.

(2) Search from the Finschia Finder page

There’s a ‘Finder’ page in the Finschia Mintscan menu bar. From this page, you can search all the transactions recorded in Finschia-2 mainnet, Finschia-1 mainnet, daphne mainnet, and ebony-2 testnet.

This is the end of the essential Mintscan user guide for the Finschia blockchain users who are not familiar with Mintscan. Mintscan is much more than a block explorer — it’s the Interchain Portal for all the blockchains. There are many more interesting features provided on Mintscan such as market analytics, NFTs, governance proposals, heartbeat, validator analytics, and more. Explore Mintscan and find good insights!

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation empowers blockchain businesses by providing secure solutions. Securing blockchain networks requires continuous operational oversight. Since 2018, Cosmostation has been providing a suite of robust solutions that enables businesses to contribute to blockchain network security and visibility without the overhead of managing infrastructure.


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