Wallet Management on Mobile Application (iOS/Android)

Jay Lee | Cosmostation
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2022

Wallet Management — walk-through on how you can manage your wallet wisely

Download Cosmostation Mobile (iOS & Android) or visit Cosmostation Web Wallet now to create your personal wallet and begin securely sending, delegating, claiming rewards and managing your assets.

Cosmostation Mobile (iOS & Android) and Cosmostation Web Wallet are products developed and maintained by Cosmostation Validator.

Cosmostation is an enterprise-level validator node operator and end-user application developer for major PoS networks, with a strong focus on networks built with the Cosmos SDK and Tendermint Engine.

We believe that providing secure and user-friendly tools for the ecosystem is just as important as operating a stable and secure validator node. End-user applications with good UI/UX improves the overall accessibility of the network as well as its appeal to the general masses. Below are some of the products we have developed for the Cosmos SDK & Tendermint ecosystem.

Cosmostation Web Wallet

Web Wallet for PC. Connect your Ledger Hardware wallet or personal wallet via Keystation(explained below) to make secure transactions.


End-to-end encrypted key management system for networks built with the Cosmos SDK. Open source, no installation required. Keystation allows users to access their personal accounts on Cosmostation Web Wallet even without a hardware wallet.

Cosmostation Mobile Wallet

Open source, non-custodial mobile wallet for Cosmos SDK based assets. Available in both iOS and Android.

Cosmostation Mobile is an open-source, non-custodial wallet for networks built with Tendermint. Cosmostation mobile wallet is the wallet of choice for the majority of users within the Cosmos ecosystem. To learn more about Cosmostation Wallet and how the application keeps your funds safe & secure using local-signing, please read the blog posts below.

Why Manage Wallet?

As the Cosmos ecosystem evolves, there will be more sovereign Tendermint-based networks added to Cosmostation Mobile Wallet (iOS & Android). The more chains added to the mobile app, the harder it becomes for users to navigate through each network and manage their wallets (there are currently 30+ sovereign blockchain networks supported on Cosmostation mobile!).

This wallet management function from Cosmostation Mobile Wallet will let you SECURELY manage your asset and SAVE A LOT OF TIME.

(Time is gold right?)

Screenshot of how to manage wallet from Cosmostation Wallet

From Setting, Press Wallet Manage ->Then press Edit on the top right.

Then you will see Edit Chain page where you can see all the Displayed Chains on top as a default and Hidden Chains at the bottom of the screen. When a user clicks ‘-’ from the Displayed Chains, then the selected chain will move to Hidden Chains below. The list of Hidden Chains you selected will not show on the Wallet Manage & Switch Wallet and when you put the chain onto the Displayed Chains again, then it will show up again.

*When you hide all the chains from the list, Cosmos will be the only chain shown when you go into Wallet Manage and Switch Wallet.

Screenshot of how to drag chains to change the order of display

And from the Displayed Chains, you can click and drag the right side of the name of the chain to change the order of the displayed chains.

When you finish selecting chains that you want to hide and change the order of the displayed chains, press Done.

THEN it will be applied to both Wallet Manage & Switch Wallet page.

Now, manage your wallet more EFFICIENTLY with Cosmostation Wallet so that you can spend more quality time with your loved ones.

About Cosmostation

Cosmostation is an enterprise-level validator node infrastructure & end-user application provider based in Seoul, South Korea. Cosmostation runs validator nodes across several networks, specifically focused on networks built with PoS(Proof of Stake) consensus. Along with node operation, Cosmostation develops and maintains Mintscan Block Explorer and Cosmostation iOS, Android, Web Wallets to support in-depth features for modules specific to each network.

Website: https://www.cosmostation.io/
Github: https://github.com/cosmostation
Android Wallet: Android — Google Play Store
iOS Wallet: iOS — iTunes App Store
Block Explorer: https://www.mintscan.io/
Medium: https://medium.com/cosmostation/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CosmostationVD
Telegram: https://t.me/cosmostation

