Join the 1st cross-chain Riddlethon!

Misang Ryu
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2021

We are more than happy to introduce Riddlethon, fun and easy crypto treasure hunt made for tech-minded blockchain newbies.

Confio, the team behind CosmWasm devised this idea, and amazing projects like IRISnet, NEAR protocol, Regen network, Secret network, and Terra co-host the very first Riddlethon together. We really appreciate every project´s collaboration for this fresh and experimental idea.

What is Riddlethon?

First of all, Riddlethon is the combination of ¨riddle¨ and ¨hackathon¨. It´s an internet puzzle-like, crypto-treasure hunt.

Hackathons usually ask high-level developers to do some difficult missions like writing and deploying smart contracts for weeks in exchange for big chunk of rewards, but riddlethons are full of rather easy riddles for beginner-mid level developers to handle in a short time and people get smaller rewards.

We all know there are not many blockchain developers compared to traditional software developers, and we believe this could be the first step of nurturing future blockchain builders.

Riddlethon Objective?

Riddlethon is an educational event to grow our dev community. You can start to learn about basic stuff, then deep-dive with follow-up workshops and further research on documentation, and you might end up being a robust blockchain engineer writing smart contracts, building your own dApp, starting your own business!

Writing and deploying smart contracts might be too difficult for you now, so we suggest that you start with executing already-written smart contracts, or learn how to verify old transactions and the memo field during this Riddlethon.

Also, you can learn the things that you didn’t know about Confio, IRISnet, NEAR protocol, Regen network, Secret network, and Terra!

For Whom?

  • Anyone who wants to learn blockchain technology.
  • Anyone who wants to know more about Cosmos and wasm-based chains.
  • Anyone who wants to earn projects’ tokens learning about them.

If you are a high-level developer who already knows a lot, you can still participate. But we would gently ask you NOT TO SNATCH all the riddles, you are very welcome to explore riddles, but please don’t claim the rewards if it is too easy for you. As the objective of Riddlethon is to get more newcomers! Also, advanced developers are invited to try only hard level riddles, as there will be 3 different level riddles, EASY, MEDIUM, and HARD.

Why participate?

  1. I started to learn blockchain technology, but a hackathon is still too difficult.

2. I want to learn more about different blockchain protocols.

3. Solving riddles is fun!

4. I can get rewards while learning!

5. This will facilitate follow-up education for me.

6. I might be able to network with dev colleagues and mentors from organizers.

Things to learn before coming to Riddlethon

Riddle example

You can find the riddle example above.

You can use block explorer of Musselnet, which is CosmWasm’s testnet, or you can query smart contract address from Regen network CLI, by doing that you can finally arrive at reward voucher or identifier, “the solution of this riddle”. When you have that answer, you can send it to us with your address to receive all the reward tokens.

You can see this video as a reference to the medium-level riddle example.

Schedule and details

Riddlethon official website is ready! Please go to the website and register now! There will be mentoring hour from each organizer and you will find the details on the website.

Starting Sat April 10th 4am CEST

Ending Sun April 12th 4am CEST

Platforms: Riddlethon website and Hopin

Come join CosmWasm discord and start learning!

