The History of Cosplay: From Fan Culture to Mainstream Popularity

Ryan L. Kopf
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2023

Cosplay, short for “costume play,” is a hobby that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Cosplayers create elaborate costumes of their favorite characters from movies, TV shows, video games, and comics and attend conventions and events to show off their creations. But where did cosplay originate, and how did it become such a popular phenomenon? I am happy to share the origins of cosplay.

Cosplayers on stage at Anime Midwest in Chicago after the Anime Idol event.

Origins of Cosplay

The origins of cosplay can be traced back to Japan in the 1970s. The term “cosplay” was coined by a Japanese reporter named Nov Takahashi, who observed fans dressed as characters from sci-fi and fantasy movies at a Worldcon event in Los Angeles. Cosplay quickly caught on in Japan, where it became a popular pastime for fans of anime, manga, and video games.

Some historians believe that cosplay has its origins in Japanese theater, specifically in the tradition of kabuki and its use of elaborate costumes and makeup.

In Japanese theater, kabuki is a form of traditional drama that dates back to the early 17th century. Kabuki plays typically feature elaborate costumes, makeup, and props, and are known for their highly stylized movements and gestures. Kabuki actors, known as “yakusha,” often play multiple roles in a single play, requiring them to change costumes and makeup between scenes.

Some historians believe that the tradition of cosplay in Japan has its roots in kabuki theater. The elaborate costumes, makeup, and performance techniques used in kabuki are similar to those used in cosplay, and the idea of dressing up as a character from a play or story has been a part of Japanese culture for centuries.

Early Cosplay in the United States

Cosplay started to gain popularity in the United States in the 1980s, thanks to the rise of anime and manga in the Western world. Early cosplay events in the US were often small gatherings of fans who dressed up as their favorite characters and shared their love of Japanese pop culture. These events were often held in hotel rooms or other small venues and were not widely publicized.

The first anime and cosplay conventions in the United States were held in the late 1970s and early 1980s. One of the earliest conventions was the Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Comics Convention, which took place in San Diego, California in 1970. While this convention wasn’t specifically focused on anime or cosplay, it did include programming related to Japanese pop culture, such as a panel on Japanese animation.

In 1981, the first anime-specific convention in the United States was held in New York City. Called the “AnimeCon,” this event was organized by the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization, a group of fans who were interested in promoting anime and manga in the United States.

The Rise of Cosplay at Conventions

In the 1990s, cosplay started to become more mainstream at conventions and events. The first cosplay contest was held at the World Science Fiction Convention in Los Angeles in 1984, but it wasn’t until the 1990s that cosplay contests became a regular part of convention programming. Cosplay started to attract more attention from the media and became a popular topic on internet forums and message boards. Many conventions are focused on cosplay now.

Cosplay Goes Mainstream

In the 2000s, cosplay started to gain mainstream attention. Cosplayers were featured on TV shows and in movies, and cosplay became a popular topic on social media. Cosplay started to become more elaborate and creative, with cosplayers creating intricate costumes and props that were faithful to the original characters. Cosplay started to attract more attention from the fashion industry, with designers creating cosplay-inspired clothing and accessories.

The Future of Cosplay

Cosplay has come a long way since its early days in Japan in the 1970s. Today, cosplay is a global phenomenon, with millions of fans around the world. Cosplay has become a mainstream hobby and is no longer confined to niche events or subcultures. Cosplay has become an important part of popular culture and has even been recognized as an art form in its own right.

Cosplay has also become more inclusive in recent years, with cosplayers of all ages, genders, and backgrounds participating in events and conventions. Cosplay has become a way for people to express themselves and their creativity, and to connect with others who share their interests.


Cosplay has a rich history that spans several decades and multiple continents. From its origins in Japan decades ago to its current status as a global phenomenon, cosplay has come a long way. Cosplay has become an important part of popular culture and has even influenced fashion and design. Cosplay has also become more inclusive and diverse in recent years, reflecting the growing diversity of its fanbase. As cosplay continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly continue to inspire and entertain fans around the world.

Ryan Kopf is the President of I developed an innovative ticket-selling platform called, which is the software that powers our anime conventions. I can speak Japanese and Spanish and have been programming for 20 years.



Ryan L. Kopf

Serial C.E.O. and Entrepreneur. Great at technology, innovation, and entertainment arts.