COSS.IO November 7th 2018 Updates

COSS Updates & Announcements
3 min readNov 7, 2018
  • Screenshots
  • API
  • COSS supports BCH fork
  • KYI available next Tuesday
  • Events

Today’s update will be fairly light. We are still busy working on many things, but we cannot always reveal them. I’ve had a request from Telegram on whether we can reveal more in-depth information. To elaborate more on my reply, I think we have to take into consideration that we are a functioning exchange and not a token project.

In a typical token project, there would be a lot of details, and such details are rightfully expected of them. However, as a cryptocurrency exchange,we have to take operational and user security into consideration when giving out any information. Imagine what happens if we revealed what is our technology stack; malicious elements might seek to take advantage of any information slip that we give in our updates.

Rest assured, we will always continue to give out as much information as we can. We think the community has been getting more positive about our updates, no?

More screenshots! Remember they are still subject to change.

A small update on the tech front: The matching engine is complete and we are in the testing stage.

Our CTO, Henry Simpson would like to convey his thanks to the community, in particular, the API testers, for their help in our API roll-out. Work on our API has not stopped; we will continue working with you to enhance it and implement more functionalities in time to come.

For those who are interested in API discussions, we have a new Telegram channel. Head on over to for the latest on our API developments. will be supporting the upcoming BCH fork. BCH deposits & withdrawals will be disabled on the 14th of November ( Exact timing will be updated).

KYI ( Know Your Institution ) procedures will be rolling out next week. This paves the way for Institutional/Corporate investors onto our platform. With the buzz around the crypto-sphere about Institutional investors entering into Cryptocurrency as an asset class, this is great news for everyone.

Updating our events list :

  • Singapore Fintech Festival: November 12th-16th (We will be attending)
  • Blockshow Singapore: November 27th-December 1st (We will be attending)
  • SUSS Fintech and Blockchain: November 15th (Rune will be speaking on a 3pm panel discussion. The topic will be Minimizing Cost of Trust & Maximizing Cost of Hacking ). Do register and we hope to see you there.

So that’s it for this update. Last tidbit: We will be rolling out ‘explainer’ articles very soon; these will reveal more in-depth information about our current/updated and new features.

Stay tuned!

Join in the community at our various channels :



COSS Updates & Announcements

COSS is a Singapore based cryptocurrency exchange trading both Crypto and Fiat pairs.