COSS.IO v1.2 December 6th 2018

COSS Updates & Announcements
4 min readDec 6, 2018

Before we launch…

COSS started…literally with Rune completing a course in Fintech where he presented the first draft of what we today know as COSS. A bunch of yellow post-it notes went from being all over Rune’s apartment into forming an elevator pitch and a short write-up presenting a business idea during the MIT Fintech course. MIT scored the COSS Idea 100/100 and that was the “kick in the butt”/Validation Rune needed to start assembling a team and start drafting the first white-paper of what we today know as COSS.

And now, we are close to the launch of COSS 1.2. Time flies, doesn’t it?
2016 doesn't seem all that long ago, but in the world of crypto, it feels like a lifetime.

It’s been quite a wild ride. From the moment we decided that we needed a new COSS, up to now, when we are at the cusp of launching this first step towards COSS 2.0.

In the beginning, we had to contend with the (as you know very well) numerous issues that our current platform threw out. It was like a random problem generator, and our developers fought countless valiant battles to solve them. This humble writer witnessed (and participated) in the many, many epic conversations and spirited debates that rang out in our office.

Bit by bit we improved (remember that maintenance screen?). We juggled the day to day challenges of COSS 1.0 with the conceptualization and planning of COSS 2.0. Pain points were mapped out, wishlists were dreamt up, your complaints and suggestions were taken into consideration and debated upon. We looked around and took inspiration from everywhere; not just the crypto space. And through it all we have slowly built up our team, carefully choosing the best people we could find.

And now, we are, as they say, GO for launch. Last minute feverish checks, the developers rushing to and from holding hush conferences; we are all barely holding on to our excitement(and nerves). You would soon be looking at the fruits of our labor, and dare we say it, be happy with what we have done. However, we do want to stress the fact that this is v1.2 and not the full 2.0 so bear with us. Not all features will be in place and regardless of testing, testing, and testing, this is tech and there will be bugs/issues. Minor we hope, but we urge you all to be our extended eyes and report back any findings you are not satisfied with.

Let’s be candid. This is an entirely new road for us. All these features we are building are new. But we are going into this with eyes wide open; we do not expect disasters, but we know there will be challenges cropping up along the way.

So here is a toast from us to you, who have stuck with us through thick and thin. We will look forward to better days ahead and to a brighter COSS future.

Rune wants to personally send out a huge THANK YOU to all of you for your continuous support and dedication. He also added a huge THANK YOU to the entire COSS Team who have tirelessly worked very long hours every single day, be it weekends as well as holidays, be it at the office as well as from home. This could never have happened without you guys. THANK YOU.

Lets round this short medium up with a famous Gandhi quote that we sincerely hope is justifiable to COSS.IO

As we say in Singapore, 干杯! (Gānbēi)
See you on the other side. We will announce in advance before we go live.

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COSS Updates & Announcements

COSS is a Singapore based cryptocurrency exchange trading both Crypto and Fiat pairs.