Letter from the CEO – December 2019

COSS Updates & Announcements
4 min readDec 4, 2019

Dear all. It’s been a while since the last time I addressed the community.

I/we are fully aware that communication is key and any lack of communication serves as food for the “fudders”.

We have been working hard behind the scenes and it is not always easy to provide scheduled updates as I feel it should always have valuable content and be relevant. Going forward we will share valuable updates with the community WHEN we have relevant and confirmed news to share rather than having a fixed reminder that today we have to send out something… and you end up reading some repeated info about things in the pipeline etc.


I notice many are asking for a roadmap. Simply put, we are an exchange. The industry is moving/changing fast and so is the regulatory landscape. Plans will therefore change accordingly and we see no need to present a 6–12 months roadmap. We will continue to improve the exchange through adding new features, updating our APIs, adding promos, liquidity, markets etc.

Management changes

The past few weeks have been somewhat turbulent with a lot of uncertainty in the community but for those that have been with us for a while you will all remember that during the merge we announced that we will operate with 2 CEOs at COSS.

This is not an uncommon thing although not the norm either, amongst other corporations out there. But even with 2 CEOs someone has to wear the helmet and up and till now, since the merge, that person was Sankalp. He came onboard with his skills, team and drive although we all internally knew that it would not be a permanent solution. This is a very time consuming and sometimes stressful position. Stress takes its toll on both family and health and especially when there are past serious health situations involved.

It was natural for me to step up again and take the helmet now that the tech is more stable and the operations are running smoothly. I was never gone, but focused more on other areas of the business, after all my background is more sales & marketing based rather than tech. Now we can look forward and try to implement some of the marketing related topics we have been working on.

I have assumed the full role of CEO operating out of Singapore. Although we have reduced our Singapore team we still have a strong team focusing on improving COSS. Ranjit is running the team in India, we also have Satyarth who is doing a great job out of Mumbai, and we have a few off-site tech resources aiding us as well.

Many are worried about funding, but nothing has changed in that department. We have never been overfunded, but no funding has been pulled with the recent changes either. It is business as usual on all fronts.


It is not a secret in today’s markets that we are constantly looking for valuable partnerships both through products and services but also for funding, equity partners and future scaling/growth. We are truly believers of transparency, but sometimes we need to take two steps back and rethink what is the best approach going forward.

I strongly believe that we have been one of the most transparent exchanges out there and that has been both good and bad. Where has this approach taken us so far? Sometimes it might be smarter to hold your cards close to your chest while the game is going on.

Don’t get me wrong, we wish to be transparent, but when everyone is expecting 100% replies to any question regardless if it is of private or business nature, it is not necessarily a good thing.

If we for some reason do not respond there is mayhem and FUD because it is expected by us to address every single concern. We are not a public. listed company, nor do we have reporting requirements to token holders, but we do our best to keep you updated. That is at will because we want to and not because we have to. Please understand the difference. There is a huge difference in “nice to know” and “need to know”.

That being said we do not wish to back away from being transparent while perhaps shying away from being oversharing at times.

It’s Christmas Season!

I assume all of you know that here at COSS we love Christmas. From back in the days when we had Christmas mug design competitions and other promos related to our dearly beloved Santa COSS.

We are planning something for this year as well. As we finalise the details, we shall announce it separately in the next few days.

The trading bot development competition is ongoing. We have already seen some of the bots that are under development. With the aim to make it super easy for anyone to do automated trading, the community must be quite excited to get their hands on them as soon as possible. Perhaps just in time for the Christmas promo!

A new blockchain integration is in the final stages of testing. Improvements to the platform and liquidity continue to happen. If you have not yet tried to trade on the top pairs like BTC_EUR, ETH_EUR, BTC_USD, ETH_USD, BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT and others, we recommend you give it a try. COSS can easily be your primary exchange for top assets.

I am here every day, continuing to work with the team with more energy and dedication than ever before, to ensure we are ready for when the market breaks out of the current slump.

Let’s continue to be the best community in crypto and thank you for the continued support you have given us.

See you all around.





COSS Updates & Announcements

COSS is a Singapore based cryptocurrency exchange trading both Crypto and Fiat pairs.